Effect of parameters on Si plasma emission in collinear double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Fang-Fang Chen, Xue-Jiao Su, Wei-Dong Zhou
Effect of parameters on Si plasma emission in collinear double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Collinear dual-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy was carried out on Si crystal by using a pair of nanosecond Nd:YAG laser sources emitting at 1064 nm. The spectral intensities and signalto-noise ratios of selected Si atomic and ionic lines were used to evaluate the optical emission. The optical emission intensity was recorded while varying the interpulse delay time and energy ratio of the two pulsed lasers. The effects of the data acquisition delay time on the line intensity and signal-to-noise ratio have been investigated as well. Based on the results, the optimal interpulse delay time, energy ratio of the two pulsed lasers, and data acquisition delay time for achieving the maximum atomic and ionic line intensities were found for generation of Si plasma with the collinear dual-pulse laser approach. The dominant mechanism for the observed line intensity variation was also discussed. In addition, the plasma temperature and electron number density at different gate delay times and different interpulse delay times were derived. A significant influence of plasma shielding on the electron temperature and electron number density at shorter interpulse delay times was observed.
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy / collinear dual-pulse / plasma emission intensity
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