Measurement of strong phases, D D ¯ mixing, and CP violation using quantum correlation at charm threshold

Matteo Rama

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Front. Phys. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11467-015-0489-6

Measurement of strong phases, D D ¯ mixing, and CP violation using quantum correlation at charm threshold

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We review the measurements of the D decay strong-phase parameters based on quantum-correlated D0 D ¯0 pairs produced in the e+eΨ(3770) → D0 D ¯0 process, and we discuss their role in the measurements of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle γ and D- D ¯ mixing. In addition, we present estimates of the size of quantum-correlated datasets necessary to support the γ and charm mixing measurements conducted at the LHCb and Belle II experiments. Finally, we review the methods for measuring the D D ¯ mixing and CP violation parameters at a high-luminosity charm factory, giving sensitivity estimates.


quantum correlation / charm mixing / CP violation

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Matteo Rama. Measurement of strong phases, D D ¯ mixing, and CP violation using quantum correlation at charm threshold. Front. Phys.,


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