“Could charm (& τ ) transitions be the ‘poor princess’ providing a deeper understanding of fundamental dynamics ?” or: “Finding novel forces”

Ikaros I. Bigi

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“Could charm (& τ ) transitions be the ‘poor princess’ providing a deeper understanding of fundamental dynamics ?” or: “Finding novel forces”

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We know that our Universe is composed of only ~4.5% “known” matter; therefore, our understanding is incomplete. This can be seen directly in the case of neutrino oscillations (without even considering potential other universes). Charm quarks have had considerable impact on our understanding of known matter, and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the only local quantum field theory to describe strong forces. It is possible to learn novel lessons concerning strong dynamics by measuring rates around the thresholds of [Q¯Q] states with Q = b, c. Furthermore, these states provide us with gateways towards new dynamics (ND), where we must transition from “accuracy” to “precision” eras. Finally, we can make connections with τ transitions and, perhaps, with dark matter. Charm dynamics acts as a bridge between the worlds of light- and heavy-flavor hadrons (namely, beauty hadrons), and finding regional asymmetries in many-body final states may prove to be a “game changer”. There are several different approaches to achieving these goals: for example, experiments such as the Super Tau-Charm Factory, Super Beauty Factory, and the Super Z0 Factory act as gatekeepers – and deeper thinking regarding symmetries.

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CKM matrix / HQE & OPE / CPV in ΔC ≠ 0 ΔB & τ decays

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Ikaros I. Bigi. “Could charm (& τ ) transitions be the ‘poor princess’ providing a deeper understanding of fundamental dynamics ?” or: “Finding novel forces”. Front. Phys., https://doi.org/10.1007/s11467-015-0476-y


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