Quantum computation in triangular decoherence-free subdynamic space

Qiao Bi

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Front. Phys. ›› 2015, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2) : 100304. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-015-0461-5

Quantum computation in triangular decoherence-free subdynamic space

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A formalism of quantum computing with 2000 qubits or more in decoherence-free subspaces is presented. The subspace is triangular with respect to the index related to the environment. The quantum states in the subspaces are projected states ruled by a subdynamic kinetic equation. These projected states can be used to perform general, large-scale decoherence-free quantum computing.


quantum information / subdynamics / decoherence-free

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Qiao Bi. Quantum computation in triangular decoherence-free subdynamic space. Front. Phys., 2015, 10(2): 100304 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11467-015-0461-5


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