A nonperturbative quantum electrodynamic approach to the theory of laser induced high harmonic generation
Chao Yu, Jingtao Zhang, Zhi-Wei Sun, Zhenrong Sun, Dong-Sheng Guo
Front. Phys. ›› 2015, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (4) : 103202.
A nonperturbative quantum electrodynamic approach to the theory of laser induced high harmonic generation
Using nonperturbative quantum electrodynamics, we develop a scattering theory for high harmonic generation (HHG). A transition rate formula for HHG is obtained. Applying this formula, we calculate the spectra of high harmonics generated from different noble gases shined by strong laser light. We study the cutoff property of the spectra. The data show that the cutoff orders of high harmonics are greater than that predicted by the “3.17” cutoff law. As a numerical experiment, the data obtained from our repeated calculations support the newly derived theoretical expression of the cutoff law. The cutoff energy of high harmonics described by the new cutoff law, in terms of the ponderomotive energy Up and the ionization potential energy Ip, is 3.34Up+ 1.83Ip. The higher cutoff orders predicted by this theory are due to the absorption of the extra photons, which participate only the photon-mode up-conversion and do nothing in the photoionization process.
high harmonic generation (HHG) / cutoff law / strong laser physics / nonperturbative quantum electrodynamics / transition rate formula
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