States and transitions in mixed networks

Ying Zhang, Wen-Hui Wan

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Front. Phys. ›› 2014, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4) : 523-528. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-014-0426-0

States and transitions in mixed networks

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A network is named as mixed network if it is composed of N nodes, the dynamics of some nodes are periodic, while the others are chaotic. The mixed network with all-to-all coupling and its corresponding networks after the nonlinearity gap-condition pruning are investigated. Several synchronization states are demonstrated in both systems, and a first-order phase transition is proposed. The mixture of dynamics implies any kind of synchronous dynamics for the whole network, and the mixed networks may be controlled by the nonlinearity gap-condition pruning.

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mixed network / phase transition / synchronization state

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Ying Zhang, Wen-Hui Wan. States and transitions in mixed networks. Front. Phys., 2014, 9(4): 523‒528


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