Nonlinear quantum interferometry with Bose condensed atoms
Chaohong Lee, Jiahao Huang, Haiming Deng, Hui Dai, Jun Xu
Front. Phys. ›› 2012, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 109-130.
Nonlinear quantum interferometry with Bose condensed atoms
In quantum interferometry, it is vital to control and utilize nonlinear interactions for the achievement of high-precision measurements. Due to their long coherence time and high controllability, ultracold atoms including Bose condensed atoms have been widely used for quantum interferometry. Here, we review recent progress in theoretical studies of quantum interferometry with Bose condensed atoms. In particular, we focus on nonlinear phenomena induced by atom–atom interactions, and how to control and utilize these nonlinear phenomena. With a mean-field description, due to atom–atom interactions, matter-wave solitons appear in the interference patterns, and macroscopic quantum self-trapping exists in Bose–Josephson junctions. With a many-body description, atom–atom interactions can generate non-classical entanglement, which can be utilized to achieve high-precision measurements beyond the standard quantum limit.
nonlinear quantum interferometry / Bose–Einstein condensate / Bose–Josephson junction
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