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ZnO nanorefrigerant in R152a refrigeration system for energy conservation and green environment
Received date: 25 Oct 2013
Accepted date: 05 Dec 2013
Published date: 05 Mar 2014
In this paper the reliability and performance of a vapour compression refrigeration system with ZnO nanoparticles in the working fluid was investigated experimentally. Nanorefrigerant was synthesized on the basis of the concept of the nanofluids, which was prepared by mixing ZnO nanoparticles with R152a refrigerant. The conventional refrigerant R134a has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1300 whereas R152a has a significant reduced value of GWP of 140 only. An experimental test rig is designed and fabricated indigenously in the laboratory to carry out the investigations. ZnO nanoparticles with refrigerant mixture were used in HFC R152a refrigeration system. The system performance with nanoparticles was then investigated. The concentration of nano ZnO ranges in the order of 0.1% v, 0.3% v and 0.5%v with particle size of 50 nm and 150 g of R152a was charged and tests were conducted. The compressor suction pressure, discharge pressure and evaporator temperature were measured. The results indicated that ZnO nanorefrigerant works normally and safely in the system. The ZnO nanoparticle concentration is an important factor considered for heat transfer enhancement in the refrigeration system. The performance of the system was significantly improved with 21% less energy consumption when 0.5%v ZnO-R152a refrigerant. Both the suction pressure and discharge pressure were lowered by 10.5% when nanorefrigerant was used. The evaporator temperature was reduced by 6% with the use of nanorefrigerant. Hence ZnO nanoparticles could be used in refrigeration system to considerably reduce energy consumption. The usage of R152a with zero ozone depleting potential (ODP) and very less GWP and thus provides a green and clean environment. The complete experimental results and their analysis are reported in the main paper.
Key words: ZnO nanorefrigerant; reduced GWP; COP; pressure ratio green energy
D. SENDIL KUMAR , R. ELANSEZHIAN . ZnO nanorefrigerant in R152a refrigeration system for energy conservation and green environment[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2014 , 9(1) : 75 -80 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-014-0285-y
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