In precision machining, the machining error from thermal distortion carries a high proportion of the total errors. If a precision machining tool can transfer heat fast, the thermal distortion will be reduced and the machining precision will be improved. A heat pipe working based on phase transitions of the inner working liquid transfers heat with high efficiency and is widely applied in spaceflight and chemical industries. In mechanics, applications of heat pipes are correspondingly less. When a heat pipe is applied to a hydrostatic motorized spindle, the thermal distortion cannot be solved during the heat transfer process because thermal conductivity or equivalent thermal conductivity should be provided first for special application in mechanics. An equivalent thermal conductivity model based on equivalent thermal resistances is established. Performance tests for a screen wick pipe, gravity pipe, and rotation heat pipe are done to validate the efficiency of the equivalent thermal conductivity model. The proposed model provides a calculation method for the thermal distortion analysis of heat pipes applied in the motorized spindle.
LU Zesheng, MA Binghui
. Equivalent thermal conductivity of heat pipes[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2008
, 3(4)
: 462
DOI: 10.1007/s11465-008-0087-1
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