Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Nonlinear dynamics and analysis of a four-bar linkage with clearance
Received date: 06 Jun 2012
Accepted date: 17 Sep 2012
Published date: 05 Jun 2013
In this paper, nonlinear dynamic behavior of a four-bar linkage considering clearance is studied. The dynamic model of the linkage with a clearance between coupler and rocker is developed firstly. Then the dynamic equations of this mechanism are solved by a numerical method. According to the calculated response, compliance, force and trajectory of pin in joint bearing are obtained. Effects of clearance magnitude and the relationship between a mechanism with clearance and without clearance are studied. By using Poincare Map, it is proved that strange attractors or chaos exist in the dynamic response. In addition, phenomena of chaos, periodic response and subharmonic response also can be found in the special condition. Bifurcation diagram is used to suggest that bifurcation and fractal phenomena exist in the dynamic response of this mechanism.
Key words: four-bar linkage; chaos; bifurcation; strange attractors; dynamics
Yuanguang TANG , Zongyu CHANG , Xiaogang DONG , Yafei HU , Zhenjiang YU . Nonlinear dynamics and analysis of a four-bar linkage with clearance[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2013 , 8(2) : 160 -168 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-013-0258-6
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