A novel stiffness optimization model of space telescopic boom based on locking mechanism
Received date: 17 Nov 2023
Accepted date: 17 Mar 2024
Published date: 15 Jun 2024
The deployable telescopic boom, whose mass and stiffness play crucial roles, is extensively used in the design of space-deployable structures. However, the most existing optimal design that neglects the influence of the locking mechanisms in boom joints cannot raise the whole stiffness while reducing the boom mass. To tackle this challenge, a novel optimization model, which utilizes the arrangement of the locking mechanisms to achieve synchronous improvement of the stiffness and mass, is proposed. The proposed optimization model incorporates a novel joint stiffness model developed based on an equivalent parallel mechanism that enables the consideration of multiple internal stiffness factors of the locking mechanisms and tubes, resulting in more accurate representations of the joint stiffness behavior. Comparative analysis shows that the proposed stiffness model achieves more than at least 11% improved accuracy compared with existing models. Furthermore, case verification shows that the proposed optimization model can improve stiffness while effectively reducing mass, and it is applied in boom optimization design.
Kun XU , Xinghan ZHUANG , Zhou SU , Qiuhong LIN , Shouzhi REN , Hang XIAO , Xilun DING . A novel stiffness optimization model of space telescopic boom based on locking mechanism[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2024 , 19(3) : 18 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-024-0789-z
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