Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Advanced manufacturing technology effectiveness: A review of literature and some issues
Received date: 24 Mar 2012
Accepted date: 03 May 2012
Published date: 05 Sep 2012
Advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) provides advantages to manufacturing managers in terms of flexibility, quality, reduced delivery times, and global competitiveness. Although a large number of publications had presented the importance of this technology, only a few had delved into related literature review. Considering the importance of this technology and the recent contributions by various authors, the present paper conducts a more comprehensive review. Literature was reviewed in a way that will help researchers, academicians, and practitioners to take a closer look at the implementation, evaluation, and justification of the AMT. The authors reviewed various papers, proposed a different classification scheme, and identified certain gaps that will provide hints for further research in AMT management.
Sanjeev GOYAL , Sandeep GROVER . Advanced manufacturing technology effectiveness: A review of literature and some issues[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2012 , 7(3) : 256 -267 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-012-0330-7
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