Nonlinear sealing force of a seawater balance valve used in an 11000-meter manned submersible

  • Zhenyao WANG ,
  • Yinshui LIU ,
  • Qian CHENG ,
  • Runzhou XU ,
  • Yunxiang MA ,
  • Defa WU
  • School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Received date: 25 Mar 2022

Accepted date: 28 Jul 2022


2023 Higher Education Press


Balance valve is a core component of the 11000-meter manned submersible “struggle,” and its sealing performance is crucial and challenging when the maximum pressure difference is 118 MPa. The increasing sealing force improves the sealing performance and increases the system’s energy consumption at the same time. A hybrid analytical–numerical–experimental (ANE) model is proposed to obtain the minimum sealing force, ensuring no leakage at the valve port and reducing energy consumption as much as possible. The effects of roundness error, environmental pressure, and materials on the minimum sealing force are considered in the ANE model. The basic form of minimum sealing force equations is established, and the remaining unknown coefficients of the equations are obtained by the finite element method (FEM). The accuracy of the equation is evaluated by comparing the independent FEM data to the equation data. Results of the comparison show good agreement, and the difference between the independent FEM data and equation data is within 3% when the environmental pressure is 0–118 MPa. Finally, the minimum sealing force equation is applied in a balance valve to be experimented using a deep-sea simulation device. The balance valve designed through the minimum sealing force equation is leak-free in the experiment. Thus, the minimum sealing force equation is suitable for the ultrahigh pressure balance valve and has guiding significance for evaluating the sealing performance of ultrahigh pressure balance valves.

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Zhenyao WANG , Yinshui LIU , Qian CHENG , Runzhou XU , Yunxiang MA , Defa WU . Nonlinear sealing force of a seawater balance valve used in an 11000-meter manned submersible[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2023 , 18(1) : 10 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-022-0726-y


FEMFinite element method
SHVBSSeawater hydraulic variable ballast system
aHalf of contact width between the ball and the valve seat
C1A correction factor
C2, C3Unknown coefficients used to account for the simplification of the model
dInlet diameter
dbDiameter of the ball
DPush rod diameter
EYoung’s modulus of the ball or valve seat
E*Equivalent elastic modulus of the ball and valve seat
E1, E2Elastic moduli of the ball and the valve seat, respectively
Eb, EcElastic modulus of the bearing and the cylinder, respectively
ErRelative error
FSealing force between the ball and the valve seat
FhHydraulic force caused by the area difference between the push rod and the inlet
Fh1, Fh2Hydraulic forces generated by the push rod area and the inlet area, respectively
FminMinimum sealing force between the ball and the valve seat
FsSpring force
GShear modulus of the ball or valve seat
ITMachining accuracy of the valve seat
KBulk modulus of the ball or valve seat
lLength of the cylinder in the contact zone
pSetting pressure inside the deep-sea simulation device
peEnvironmental pressure
PNormal load on the valve seat
QRated flow of the balance valve
rContact circle between the ball and the valve seat
RRadius of the ball
xPosition at the contact zone
δRadial deformation of the valve seat
ΔRoundness error of the valve seat
ν1, ν2Poisson’s ratios of the ball and the valve seat, respectively
νb, νcPoisson’s ratios of the bearing and the cylinder, respectively
σTotal contact stress between the ball and the valve seat
σ1Compensated contact stress generated by the spring force
σ2Net contact stress
σmaxMaximum contact stress between the ball and the valve seat
σsTensile yield strength of the ball or valve seat
σscCompressive yield strength of the ball or valve seat
θHalf cone angle of the valve seat
γStructural parameters of the bearing
ρDensity of the ball or valve seat
ξFunctional relationship between roundness error and spring force


The authors would like to thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52122502, 51879114, and 52075192).
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