Lightweight design of an electric bus body structure with analytical target cascading

  • Puyi WANG 1,2 ,
  • Yingchun BAI 1 ,
  • Chuanliang FU 1 ,
  • Cheng LIN 1
  • 1. National Engineering Research Center for Electric Vehicles, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • 2. Northwest Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xianyang 712099, China

Received date: 28 Feb 2022

Accepted date: 13 Jun 2022


2023 Higher Education Press


Lightweight designs of new-energy vehicles can reduce energy consumption, thereby improving driving mileage. In this study, a lightweight design of a newly developed multi-material electric bus body structure is examined in combination with analytical target cascading (ATC). By proposing an ATC-based two-level optimization strategy, the original lightweight design problem is decomposed into the system level and three subsystem levels. The system-level optimization model is related to mass minimization with all the structural modal frequency constraints, while each subsystem-level optimization model is related to the sub-structural performance objective with sub-structure mass constraints. To enhance the interaction between two-level systems, each subsystem-level objective is reformulated as a penalty-based function coordinated with the system-level objective. To guarantee the accuracy of the model-based analysis, a finite element model is validated through experimental modal test. A sequential quadratic programming algorithm is used to address the defined optimization problem for effective convergence. Compared with the initial design, the total mass is reduced by 49 kg, and the torsional stiffness is increased by 17.5%. In addition, the obtained design is also validated through strength analysis.

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Puyi WANG , Yingchun BAI , Chuanliang FU , Cheng LIN . Lightweight design of an electric bus body structure with analytical target cascading[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2023 , 18(1) : 2 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-022-0718-y


a1,a2,a3Scaled material properties of the side structure, roof structure, and chassis structure, respectively
AScaled material properties vector
cConsistency index
dcL,dcUMaximum displacements of the chassis structure, where “L” and “U” indicate that the performance is evaluated in the subsystem level and the system level, respectively
Ei,Eo (i = 1,2,3)Scaled Young’s modulus of each sub-structure and the base Young’s modulus, respectively
fijLocal objective function in ATC
fr,torsionL,fr,torsionUFirst-order torsional frequencies of the roof structure, where “L” and “U” indicate that the performance is evaluated in the subsystem level and the system level, respectively
fs,bendL,fs,bendUFirst-order bending frequencies of the side structure, where “L” and “U” indicate that the performance is evaluated in the subsystem level and the system level, respectively
ftorsionFirst-order torsional frequency of the entire structure
Fsys,Fsub,iEntire structural performance and sub-structural performance, respectively
gij,gInequality constraint
hij,hEquality constraint
M,Msub,iMass of the entire structure and the sub-structure, respectively
Mc,Mr,MsMass of the chassis structure, roof structure, and side structure, respectively
PijSubsystem-level problem in ATC
rijResponse fed back to the superior level in ATC
tijLocal objective assigned from the superior level in ATC
vLagrangian multiplier vector
wQuadratic punishment weight vector
Xc,Xr,XsLocal design variable vector of the chassis structure, roof structure, and side structure, respectively
XijLocal design variable vector in ATC
XsysGlobal design variable vector of the entire electric bus body structure
X1X9Thicknesses of specific section bars in the side structure
X10X20Thicknesses of specific section bars in the roof structure
X21X33Thicknesses of specific section bars in the chassis structure
βRelaxation factor
εConvergence threshold
ρi,ρo (i = 1,2,3)Scaled density of each sub-structure and the base density, respectively
ϕ(c) Penalty-based coordinated function


This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51805032).
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