Abbreviations |
5-DoF-LGTP | Five-degree-of-freedom lunar gravity testing platform |
COM | Center of mass |
DoF | Degree-of-freedom |
FLLWR | Four-legged landing and walking robot |
Geninv | Generalized inverse based on Cholesky factorization |
Ginv | Generalized inverse computation method |
IDU | Integrated drive unit |
IMqrg | Improved generalized inverse computation method based on QR factorization |
IMU | Inertial measurement unit |
LRV | Lunar roving vehicle |
PFBM | Parallel five-bar mechanism |
Qrg | Generalized inverse computation method based on QR factorization |
RP | Revolute pair |
SVD | Singular value decomposition |
TPM | Tensor product matrix |
VTLSA | Virtual three-leg supporting algorithm |
Variables |
a0, a1 | Initial and target acceleration |
ab | Body linear acceleration |
B, B0, B1, B2, B3 | Active damping coefficients |
Bg | Ground damping coefficient |
Bvirtual | Virtual damping coefficient |
ci | Coefficient of interpolation trajectory |
coeinterp, coe0, coe1, coeV0, coeV1 | Current interpolation coefficient, initial coefficient, target coefficient, initial coefficient velocity, and target coefficient velocity in compliance planning, respectively |
d | Active compression distance |
Eps | Elastic potential energy of passive spring |
Fi | ith tiptoe force from ground |
Fiz, Fiz | Vector and the third component of the ith tiptoe force from ground in the z direction |
| ith (i = k, m, or n) vertical force in leg k-m-n supporting |
Ftip, Fx, Fy, Fz | Tiptoe force vector and its components |
Fvirtual | Virtual tiptoe force |
Fvr | Virtual resultant force in the z direction |
g, g | Vector and the third component of gravitational acceleration |
ge | Gravitational acceleration on the Earth |
gm | Gravitational accelerations on the Moon |
H | Correction vector |
Ib, Ibx, Iby | Body inertia vector and its components |
j0, j1 | Initial and target jerk |
Jv (q) | Velocity Jacobian matrix |
K, K0, K1, K2 | Active stiffness coefficients |
kdz | Derivative gain in the z direction |
kd,θ | Derivative gain of roll and pitch angles |
Kg | Ground stiffness coefficient |
ki,z | Integral gain in the z direction |
ki,θ | Integral gain of roll and pitch angles |
kp,z | Proportional gain in the z direction |
kp,θ | Proportional gain of roll and pitch angles |
Kps | Stiffness coefficient of passive spring |
Kvirtual | Virtual stiffness coefficient |
Ll, Lr | Distances from the intersection point of thigh and shank to the left and right fixed points of passive spring, respectively |
Lps, Lps0 | Current and original length of the passive spring, respectively |
Ls | Shank length |
Lt | Thigh length |
mb | Body mass |
mc1 | Counterweight 1 mass |
mc2 | Counterweight 2 mass |
mt | System mass of the lander and loads |
Ob | Origin of body coordinate frame |
Oli | Origin of the ith leg coordinate frame |
Ow | Origin of world coordinate frame |
, | Tiptoe position and velocity, respectively |
| Origin position of in the body coordinate frame |
| Tiptoe position in the leg coordinate frame |
| Body position in the world coordinate frame |
| Tiptoe position in the world coordinate frame |
, | Generalized coordinate and velocity vector of joints, respectively |
, , | Vector and its components from the COM to the origin Ob |
, , , | Vector and its components from the origin to the ith tiptoe |
| Rotation transformation matrix from to |
| Rotation transformation matrix from to |
, , , , T | Current time, initial time, end time, duration ratio time, and total duration time, respectively |
, | Shank and thigh IDUs torques, respectively |
, | Initial and target velocity, respectively |
| Horizontal velocity |
| Horizontal velocity in the x direction |
| Vertical velocity |
, , | Forward, left, and upper direction, respectively |
, , | Components of tiptoe position in the ith leg coordinate frame, respectively |
, , | Current, initial position, and terminated position of tiptoe in the x direction, respectively |
, , | Current tiptoe velocity in the x, y and z directions, respectively |
, , | Current, initial, and terminated positions of tiptoe in the y direction, respectively |
, | Actual body position and velocity in the z direction, respectively |
, | Vector and the third component of body linear acceleration in the z direction, respectively |
, | Body initial and target position in the z direction, respectively |
| Real-time body interpolation trajectory |
, | Reference body position and velocity in the z direction, respectively |
, , | Current, initial, and target positions of the tiptoe in the z direction, respectively |
| Virtual displacement of tiptoe |
| Virtual displacement of the generalized coordinate vector |
| Virtual work of passive spring |
, | Actual joint angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Actual pitch angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Actual roll angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Rocker arm angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Reference joint angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Reference pitch angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Reference roll angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Side angle and velocity, respectively |
, | Thigh angle and velocity, respectively |
, , , | Joint torque vector and its components, respectively |
, , | Actual, command, and reference joint torques, respectively |
| Virtual joint torque |
| Virtual resultant torsions in the and directions, respectively |
| Body coordinate frame |
| IMU coordinate frame |
| ith leg coordinate frame |
| World coordinate frame |
| Body angular velocity |
, , | Vector and its components of body angular acceleration, respectively |