Energy saving design of the machining unit of hobbing machine tool with integrated optimization

  • Yan LV 1 ,
  • Congbo LI , 1 ,
  • Jixiang HE 2 ,
  • Wei LI 1 ,
  • Xinyu LI 3 ,
  • Juan LI 1
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
  • 2. Department of Process Technology, Sichuan Aerospace Fenghuo Servo Control Technology Corporation, Chengdu 611130, China
  • 3. State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Received date: 14 Oct 2021

Accepted date: 11 Apr 2022

Published date: 15 Sep 2022


2022 Higher Education Press


The machining unit of hobbing machine tool accounts for a large portion of the energy consumption during the operating phase. The optimization design is a practical means of energy saving and can reduce energy consumption essentially. However, this issue has rarely been discussed in depth in previous research. A comprehensive function of energy consumption of the machining unit is built to address this problem. Surrogate models are established by using effective fitting methods. An integrated optimization model for reducing tool displacement and energy consumption is developed on the basis of the energy consumption function and surrogate models, and the parameters of the motor and structure are considered simultaneously. Results show that the energy consumption and tool displacement of the machining unit are reduced, indicating that energy saving is achieved and the machining accuracy is guaranteed. The influence of optimization variables on the objectives is analyzed to inform the design.

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Yan LV , Congbo LI , Jixiang HE , Wei LI , Xinyu LI , Juan LI . Energy saving design of the machining unit of hobbing machine tool with integrated optimization[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2022 , 17(3) : 38 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-022-0694-2


aDistance between the two sliders
apCut depth
ASurface area of the motor core
BEquivalent viscous friction damping coefficient
BsmServo motor damping coefficient
c1, c2Learning factors
dhHob outer diameter
DimParticle dimension
EEnergy consumption of the machining unit
EkKinetic energy of mechanical transmission components
fBABasic frequency of the inverter
fcCoulomb friction force
fiith order natural frequency of the machine tool after optimization
[fi]ith order natural frequency before optimization
fvViscous friction force
fzAxial feed of the hob
FcCutting force
FczCutting force on the slide plate
FfFriction force between the sliding plate and the vertical guide rail
FNNormal force on the guide rail
FtSlide plate load force
gGravitational acceleration
hHeat dissipation coefficient
Jl, Js, JsmMoments of inertia of the coupling, ball screw, and servo motor, respectively
Js*Moment of inertia equivalent to the motor shaft of the transmission system
K1, K2, K3Coefficients associated with the materials, hardness, and helical angle of the gear, respectively
l1Distance between the barycenters of the slide plate and the axis of the ball screw
l2Distance between the barycenters of the tool post and the axis of the ball screw
l3Distance between the barycenters of the main gearbox and the axis of the ball screw
l4Distance between the barycenters of the additional component and the axis of the ball screw
l5Distance between the barycenters of the hob and the axis of the ball screw
LbBall screw lead
mNormal modulus of the hob
M, Ma, Mc, Mh, Mk, MtMasses of the machining unit, additional components, main gearbox, slide plate, tool post shell, and tool post support plate, respectively
M0Equivalent nonload Coulomb friction moment
MitMaximum iteration number
n*Initial speed before the motor is accelerated
ngmHob speed
nNRated speed of the motor
nN1, nN2Rated speeds of the main and servo motors, respectively
nsmServo motor speed
NiMotor speed under working condition i
NipInitial population number
NsNumber of samples
pNumber of pole pairs of the motor
PPower of the machining unit
Pad-iAdditional loss power under working condition i
PcCutting power
PCuPeak copper loss power
PCu-iCopper loss power under working condition i
PePeak eddy current loss power
Pe-iEddy current loss power under working condition i
PhPeak hysteresis loss power
Ph-iHysteresis loss power under working condition i
PlossPeak loss power of the motor
Ploss-iMotor loss power under working condition i
Pm-iMechanical loss power under working condition i
PmaxPeak power of the motor
Pmax1, Pmax2Peak powers of the main and servo motors, respectively
PmecMechanical loss power
PmoMain motor output power
Pn-iMotor input power under working condition i
PNRated power
PN1Rated power of the main motor
PN2Rated power of the servo motor
PsmServo motor output power
Po-iMotor output power under working condition i.
PSAMotor acceleration power
PSRMotor shaft rotation power
sgn(·)Symbolic function
tOperation time of the machine tool.
t*Duration of the rotation acceleration
tAAcceleration time of the inverter
trLimit value of temperature rise
TbFrictional moment generated by the bearing preload
TiMotor output torque under working condition i
TlCoupling output torque
TsmServo motor output torque
TtOutput torque of the ball screw
TzInput torque of the ball screw
ΤOutput threshold vector
vcCutting speed
VzAxial feed speed of the moving components along the Z axis
xSample data set
xi, xjSample points
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5Structure parameters of the tool post support plate
y^Fitting expression of y
ZTooth number of the workpiece
αLoad factor of the mechanical transmission system
α*Motor angular acceleration
γiith observed value
γi ith predicted value
γ¯iMean value of the ith observed value
δTool displacement
ϛ(·)Global prediction polynomial
Θ(·)Random error
κ(·)Radial basis function
ηbBearing transmission efficiency
ηm, ηsmMotor efficiencies of the main and servo motors, respectively
ηzBall screw transmission efficiency
η(i)Motor efficiency under working condition i
μcCoulomb friction coefficient
μvViscous friction coefficient
χCenter of κ(·)
ω*Angular velocity of the motor
ωend, ωiniFinal and initial values of the inertia weight, respectively
ωmAngular velocity of the spindle motor shaft
ωsmServo motor output angular velocity
ξ0, ξi, ξij Undetermined coefficients of the RSM model
(·)Linear polynomial function
ћ2Variance of Θ(·)
Ξ(·)Correlation function
ϑkRelated parameter determined by the maximum likelihood estimation
ϖiAdaptability weight coefficient
ϖ50×1Synaptic weight matrix
||·||Euclidean norm


This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51975075 and 52105506) and the Chongqing Technology Innovation and Application Program, China (Grant No. cstc2020jscx-msxmX0221).
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