A new automatic convolutional neural network based on deep reinforcement learning for fault diagnosis
Received date: 03 Sep 2021
Accepted date: 10 Jan 2022
Published date: 15 Jun 2022
Convolutional neural network (CNN) has achieved remarkable applications in fault diagnosis. However, the tuning aiming at obtaining the well-trained CNN model is mainly manual search. Tuning requires considerable experiences on the knowledge on CNN training and fault diagnosis, and is always time consuming and labor intensive, making the automatic hyper parameter optimization (HPO) of CNN models essential. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel automatic CNN (ACNN) for fault diagnosis, which can automatically tune its three key hyper parameters, namely, learning rate, batch size, and L2-regulation. First, a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is developed, and it constructs an agent aiming at controlling these three hyper parameters along with the training of CNN models online. Second, a new structure of DRL is designed by combining deep deterministic policy gradient and long short-term memory, which takes the training loss of CNN models as its input and can output the adjustment on these three hyper parameters. Third, a new training method for ACNN is designed to enhance its stability. Two famous bearing datasets are selected to evaluate the performance of ACNN. It is compared with four commonly used HPO methods, namely, random search, Bayesian optimization, tree Parzen estimator, and sequential model-based algorithm configuration. ACNN is also compared with other published machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methods. The results show that ACNN outperforms these HPO and ML/DL methods, validating its potential in fault diagnosis.
Long WEN , You WANG , Xinyu LI . A new automatic convolutional neural network based on deep reinforcement learning for fault diagnosis[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2022 , 17(2) : 17 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-022-0673-7
Abbreviations | |
ACNN | Automatic convolutional neural network |
ANN | Artificial neural network |
AVG | Average prediction accuracy |
AWMS-CNN | Adaptive weighted multiscale convolutional neural network |
BO | Bayesian optimization |
CNN | Convolutional neural network |
DAN | Domain adaption network |
DDPG | Deep deterministic policy gradient |
DL | Deep learning |
DRL | Deep reinforcement learning |
ELM | Extreme learning machine |
FC | Fully connected |
GS | Grid search |
HCNN | Hierarchical convolutional neural network |
HPO | Hyper parameter optimization |
ICN | CNN based on a capsule network with an inception block |
IF | Inner race fault |
LSTM | Long short-term memory |
ML | Machine learning |
MSCNN | Multiscale convolutional neural network |
NAS | Neural architecture search |
OF | Outer race fault |
RF | Roller fault |
RL | Reinforcement learning |
RS | Random search |
SMAC | Sequential model-based algorithm configuration |
SVM | Support vector machine |
TPE | Tree Parzen estimator |
VI-CNN | CNN based on vibration image |
WDCNN | Deep convolutional neural networks with wide first-layer kernels |
WMSCCN | Wide convolution and multiscale convolution |
Variables | |
a | Action of DDPG algorithm |
at | Current action |
bt | Current batch size |
bmax, bmin | The upper and lower boundaries for batch size |
Expected value under policy | |
f | Fourier frequency in short-time Fourier transform |
lt | Current L2-regulation value |
lmax, lmin | The upper and lower boundaries for L2-regulation value |
lrmax, lrmin | The upper and lower boundaries for learning rate, respectivley |
lrt | Current learning rate |
losst | Loss value of the CNN model at time step t |
L | Training loss of critic network |
M | Number of the sequencing training loss |
n | Number of samples in the experience storage D |
p | Transition probability function |
(s, a) | Q-value function under policy |
r | Reward of DDPG algorithm |
s | State of DDPG algorithm |
st | State at time step t |
STFT | Short-time Fourier transform formulation |
t | Time step |
w(t) | Window function |
yt | Actual Q-value |
α | Factor to control the degree of soft updating |
γ | Discount factor |
Policy of the agent to choose the action | |
Online actor network | |
Target actor network | |
Online critic network | |
Target critic network |
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