Constructing geometric models from draft to solid models in CAD systems is called forward modeling, where all the geometric parameters must be known before the model construction. In many industries, the geometric models are directly obtained from the physical models, which is called reverse modeling (i.e., reverse engineering). For example, the automotive designers usually work on physical prototypes, such as clay or wood models, to achieve a favorable shape in automobile industries [
42], and the geometric models of medical models (e.g., organs and bones) are created by reverse modeling based on the digital images from computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and other medical scanning processes [
43]. In reverse engineering, the procedure of generating geometric models is called model reconstruction, and such models are called reconstruction models. Model reconstruction can be divided into two types: (1) surfaced-based methods and (2) feature-based methods [
44]. Comparing to the feature-based methods, the surfaced-based methods are more mature and adopted by commercial software, such as CATIA, Geomagic, and Rapidform. The most important part of the surfaced-based methods is the isosurface generation. In 1987, marching cube (MC) algorithm was proposed by Lorenson and Cline, which has become a standard of isosurface generation because of its simplicity and high speed. However, the original MC algorithm may cause ambiguity problems (i.e., different isosurfaces may be obtained from the same voxel data) [
45]. To eliminate the ambiguous problems, many new algorithms were proposed by different research groups (e.g., extended MC algorithms [
48] and marching tetrahedra algorithms [
51]). Nowadays, reconstruction models can accurately represent the physical models. Hence, the numerical analysis (e.g., FEA and IGA) based on such reconstruction models can also accurately predict the performance of the physical objects. Zander et al. [
52] directly used a 3D finite cell toolbox FCMLab to work on a femur defined by voxel model. Verhoosel et al. [
53] proposed an image-based adaptive IGA and applied it to the micro-mechanical modeling of trabecular bone, where the goal-adaptive FCM was used to compute elastic properties. Recently, Kudela et al. [
54] completed the direct structural analysis of domains defined by oriented point clouds based on the FCM. However, the adaptive FCM will increase the complexity of the analysis, as well as the computational cost.