To obtain more efficiency of the overall equipment highly polished surfaces of individual components with high precision rates are desirable. For this reason, laser polishing comes top on the priority list. Achieving a highly smooth surface without any surface defects. A wide range of materials such as ceramics [
88], metals such as steel [
89], titanium alloys [
24], and nickel [
12]. To compete with rest of the world, the European companies were forced to switch on to new emerging technologies such as laser polishing which helps in the additive layered manufacturing process [
90]. By incorporating laser polishing this process can be achieved at a faster rate since the processing time of the material surface is less as compared with other polishing processes. Both pulsed and continuous wave lasers are used in industries for the surface smoothening process. In LCD (liquid crystal display) manufacturing industries, the laser-controlled fracture techniques are now commonly used for the flat glass separation [
91]. A general trend of using excimer lasers can be seen in industries for polishing of ceramic materials [
92]. Mostly titanium and steels are preferred materials to be polished due to their low cost and reliability. Also, fiber lasers are the most preferred laser type used in industries due to their low cost, high efficiency, high beam quality, reliability, and can easily melt metal surfaces [
93]. The polishing of freeform surface even though remains a challenge, it proves to be of high interest in industrial sector. For example, Fig. 18 [
94] shows the initial and polished spherical surface. Laser polishing in the recent year has extended its application to the telecom sector for achieving a high gloss surface finish [
94]. ‘Laser Polishing Ceramic Material’ was first patented in 2017 by Apple which was used in ceramic Apple watch for the first time [
94]. The polishing of even hard materials makes laser polishing suitable for industrial applications.