20], which is developed by combining the basic principles from both biomimetics and in theory of invention problem solving (TRIZ) [
21], applies biological wisdom to solve problems in engineering design. Unlike other methods in bionics, BioTRIZ is built on contradiction ideas theory from TRIZ. In TRIZ, innovative knowledge is extracted from patents in various backgrounds and standardized as invention principles [
22]. BioTRIZ then inputs biological principles into the modernized rules of inventive problem solving (PRIZM) matrix. Those principles are applied by biology to resolve the contradictions [
23]. In this matrix, all biologically inspired invention problems are standardized as contradictions between two out of six possible parameters, including substance, structure, space, time, energy, and information; feasible invention principles that can resolve these contradictions are also provided. Unlike the traditional TRIZ contradiction matrix that includes wisdoms extracted from engineering patents, BioTRIZ identifies the truth from those contradictions resolved by biological wisdoms through the strategies in structures and information rather than through energy approaches, which are usually applied in solving technical contradictions [