Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Recent development in low-constraint fracture toughness testing for structural integrity assessment of pipelines
Received date: 30 Aug 2017
Accepted date: 30 Oct 2017
Published date: 31 Jul 2018
Fracture toughness measurement is an integral part of structural integrity assessment of pipelines. Traditionally, a single-edge-notched bend (SE(B)) specimen with a deep crack is recommended in many existing pipeline structural integrity assessment procedures. Such a test provides high constraint and therefore conservative fracture toughness results. However, for girth welds in service, defects are usually subjected to primarily tensile loading where the constraint is usually much lower than in the three-point bend case. Moreover, there is increasing use of strain-based design of pipelines that allows applied strains above yield. Low-constraint toughness tests represent more realistic loading conditions for girth weld defects, and the corresponding increased toughness can minimize unnecessary conservatism in assessments. In this review, we present recent developments in low-constraint fracture toughness testing, specifically using single-edge-notched tension specimens, SENT or SE(T). We focus our review on the test procedure development and automation, round-robin test results and some common concerns such as the effect of crack tip, crack size monitoring techniques, and testing at low temperatures. Examples are also given of the integration of fracture toughness data from SE(T) tests into structural integrity assessment.
Jidong KANG , James A. GIANETTO , William R. TYSON . Recent development in low-constraint fracture toughness testing for structural integrity assessment of pipelines[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2018 , 13(4) : 546 -553 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-018-0501-2
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