Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Design of active orthoses for a robotic gait rehabilitation system
Received date: 20 Feb 2015
Accepted date: 04 Aug 2015
Published date: 23 Sep 2015
An active orthosis (AO) is a robotic device that assists both human gait and rehabilitation therapy. This work proposes portable AOs, one for the knee joint and another for the ankle joint. Both AOs will be used to complete a robotic system that improves gait rehabilitation. The requirements for actuator selection, the biomechanical considerations during the AO design, the finite element method, and a control approach based on electroencephalographic and surface electromyographic signals are reviewed. This work contributes to the design of AOs for users with foot drop and knee flexion impairment. However, the potential of the proposed AOs to be part of a robotic gait rehabilitation system that improves the quality of life of stroke survivors requires further investigation.
A. C. VILLA-PARRA , L. BROCHE , D. DELISLE-RODRÍGUEZ , R. SAGARÓ , T. BASTOS , A. FRIZERA-NETO . Design of active orthoses for a robotic gait rehabilitation system[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2015 , 10(3) : 242 -254 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-015-0350-1
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