Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Dynamics of structural systems with various frequency-dependent damping models
Received date: 15 Jan 2015
Accepted date: 02 Feb 2015
Published date: 01 Apr 2015
The aim of this paper is to present the dynamic analyses of the system involving various damping models. The assumed frequency-dependent damping forces depend on the past history of motion via convolution integrals over some damping kernel functions. By choosing suitable damping kernel functions of frequency-dependent damping model, it may be derived from the familiar viscoelastic materials. A brief review of literature on the choice of available damping models is presented. Both the mode superposition method and Fourier transform method are developed for calculating the dynamic response of the structural systems with various damping models. It is shown that in the case of non-deficient systems with various damping models, the modal analysis with repeated eigenvalues are very similar to the traditional modal analysis used in undamped or viscously damped systems. Also, based on the pseudo-force approach, we transform the original equations of motion with nonzero initial conditions into an equivalent one with zero initial conditions and therefore present a Fourier transform method for the dynamics of structural systems with various damping models. Finally, some case studies are used to show the application and effectiveness of the derived formulas.
Li LI , Yujin HU , Weiming DENG , Lei LÜ , Zhe DING . Dynamics of structural systems with various frequency-dependent damping models[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2015 , 10(1) : 48 -63 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-015-0330-5
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