A fast compound direct iterative algorithm for solving transient line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems

  • Jian LIU ,
  • Yuxue CHEN ,
  • Zhenzhi HE ,
  • Shunian YANG
  • School of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Received date: 18 Mar 2014

Accepted date: 19 Mar 2014

Published date: 22 May 2014


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


A fast compound direct iterative algorithm for solving transient line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) problems is presented. First, by introducing a special matrix splitting iteration method into the traditional compound direct iterative method, the full matrices for the linear systems of equations are transformed into sparse banded ones with any half-bandwidth; then, an extended Thomas method which can solve banded linear systems with any half-bandwidth is derived to accelerate the computing speed. Through the above two steps, the computational complexity of each iteration is reduced approximately from O(N3/3) to O(β2N), where N is the total number of nodes, and β is the half-bandwidth. Two kinds of numerical results of transient EHL line contact problems under sinusoidal excitation or pure normal approach process are obtained. The results demonstrate that the new algorithm increases computing speed several times more than the traditional compound direct iterative method with the same numerical precision. Also the results show that the new algorithm can get the best computing speed and robustness when the ratio, half-bandwidth to total number of nodes, is about 7.5%–10.0% in moderate load cases.

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Jian LIU , Yuxue CHEN , Zhenzhi HE , Shunian YANG . A fast compound direct iterative algorithm for solving transient line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2014 , 9(2) : 156 -167 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-014-0297-7


/A,/A*iterative matrices
bhalf width of contact zone (m)
Ciloading coefficient
Cwratio of wd to w0
Dki,DXkiinfluence coefficients
errppressure convergency criterion
errwload convergency criterion
Eequivalent elastic modulus (Pa)
EKE,EKW,EKOcoefficients of differential equation
ffrequency of excitation (Hz)
Gdimensionless material parameter
hfilm thickness (μm)
hminminimum film thickness (μm)
Hdimensionless film thickness
H00dimensionless central offset film thickness
L*lower triangular matrix
morder of matrix
Ntotal number of nodes
O(N)proportional to N
ppressure (Pa)
pHmaximum Hertzian pressure (Pa)
Pdimensionless pressure
Ppressure matrix
Requivalent curvature radius (m)
ttime (s)
told,tnewcalculation time (hour)
Tdimensionless time
Tsaverage number of outer loop
uentrainment velocity (m/s)
Udimensionless velocity parameter
U*upper triangular matrix
wapplied load per unit length (N/m)
w0applied load per unit length under steady condition (N/m)
wdamplitude of dynamic load (N/m)
Wdimensionless load parameter
xabscissa along rolling direction (m)
Xdimensionless abscissa
Xinletinlet point dimensionless abscissa
Xoutletoulet point dimensionless abscissa
Xadditional dimensionless abscissa
zRoelands parameter
αBarus’s piezoviscous coefficient (Pa-1)
βhalf-bandwidth of iterative matrix
γ,σ,τelements of L* and U*
ϵhalf-bandwidth of banded matrix
ηviscosity of lubricant (Pas)
η0inlet viscosity of lubricant (Pas)
η¯dimensionless viscosity
λderivative of ρ¯ with respect to P
ρdensity of lubricant (kg/m3)
ρ0inlet density of lubricant (kg/m3)
ρ¯dimensionless density
ξcomprehensive parameter
ωPlow relaxation factor of /P
ωHlow relaxation factor of /H00
ΔTstep of dimensionless time
Ωedimensionless excitation frequency
e,j,lrefers to the number of matrix elements
irefers to the number of Pi
krefers to the position of Xk
nrefers to discrete time Tn
srefers to the number of iterations
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