Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Frequencies of circular plate with concentric ring and elastic edge support
Received date: 14 Feb 2014
Accepted date: 23 Mar 2014
Published date: 22 May 2014
Exact solutions for the flexural vibrations of circular plates having elastic edge conditions along with rigid concentric ring support have been presented in this paper. Values of frequency parameter for the considered circular plate are computed for different sets of values of elastic rotational and translation restraints and the radius of internal rigid ring support. The results for the first three modes of plate vibrations are computed and are presented in tabular form. The effects of rotational and linear restraints and the radius of the rigid ring support on the vibration behavior of circular plates are studied over a wide range of non-dimensional parametric values. The values of the exact frequency parameter presented in this paper for varying values of restraint parameters and the radius of the rigid ring support can better serve in design and as benchmark solutions to validate the numerical methods obtained by using other methods of solution.
Key words: circular plate; frequency; elastic edge; rigid ring; mode switching
Lokavarapu Bhaskara RAO , Chellapilla Kameswara RAO . Frequencies of circular plate with concentric ring and elastic edge support[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2014 , 9(2) : 168 -176 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-014-0299-5
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