Femtosecond laser-acoustic modeling and simulation for AlCu nanofilm nondestructive testing
Zhongyu WANG, Jing MIN, Jing HU, Zehan WANG, Xiuguo CHEN, Zirong TANG, Shiyuan LIU
Front. Mech. Eng. ›› 2024, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (5) : 33.
Femtosecond laser-acoustic modeling and simulation for AlCu nanofilm nondestructive testing
Photoacoustic detection has shown excellent performance in measuring thickness and detecting defects in metal nanofilms. However, existing research on ultrafast lasers mainly focuses on using picosecond or nanosecond lasers for large-scale material processing and measurement. The theoretical study of femtosecond laser sources for photoacoustic nondestructive testing (NDT) in nanoscale thin film materials receives much less emphasis, leading to a lack of a complete physical model that covers the entire process from excitation to measurement. In this study, we developed a comprehensive physical model that combines the two-temperature model with the acoustic wave generation and detection model. On the basis of the physical model, we established a simulation model to visualize the ultrafast laser-material interaction process. The damage threshold of the laser source is determined, and the effect of key parameters (laser fluence, pulse duration, and wavelength) for AlCu nanofilms on the femtosecond photoacoustic NDT process is discussed using numerical results from the finite element model. The numerical results under certain parameters show good agreement with the experimental results.
femtosecond photoacoustic / nondestructive testing / metal nanofilm / ultrafast laser-matter interaction / modeling and simulation / semiconductor manufacturing
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