Contact detection with multi-information fusion for quadruped robot locomotion under unstructured terrain
Yangyang HAN, Zhenyu LU, Guoping LIU, Huaizhi ZONG, Feifei ZHONG, Shengyun ZHOU, Zekang CHEN
Contact detection with multi-information fusion for quadruped robot locomotion under unstructured terrain
Reliable foot-to-ground contact state detection is crucial for the locomotion control of quadruped robots in unstructured environments. To improve the reliability and accuracy of contact detection for quadruped robots, a detection approach based on the probabilistic contact model with multi-information fusion is presented to detect the actual contact states of robotic feet with the ground. Moreover, a relevant control strategy to address unexpected early and delayed contacts is planned. The approach combines the internal state information of the robot with the measurements from external sensors mounted on the legs and feet of the prototype. The overall contact states are obtained by the classification of the model-based predicted probabilities. The control strategy for unexpected foot-to-ground contacts can correct the control actions of each leg of the robot to traverse cluttered environments by changing the contact state. The probabilistic model parameters are determined by testing on the single-leg experimental platform. The experiments are conducted on the experimental prototype, and results validate the contact detection and control strategy for unexpected contacts in unstructured terrains during walking and trotting. Compared with the body orientation under the time-based control method regardless of terrain, the root mean square errors of roll, pitch, and yaw respectively decreased by 60.07%, 54.73%, and 64.50% during walking and 73.40%, 61.49%, and 61.48% during trotting.
multi-information fusion / contact detection / quadruped robot / probabilistic contact model / unstructured terrain
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Abbreviations | |
ANN | Artificial neural network |
DOF | Degree of freedom |
GRF | Ground reaction force |
HAA | Hip abduction/adduction |
HFE | Hip flexion/extension |
KFE | Knee flexion/extension |
LF | Left front |
LH | Left hind |
PD | Proportional-derivative |
RF | Right front |
RH | Right hind |
RMSE | Root mean square error |
VCM | Voltage conversion module |
WCD | Control strategy with contact detection |
WOCD | Control strategy without contact detection |
Variables | |
Derivative quantity | |
Predicted quantity | |
Detection state or corrected quantity | |
Desired quantity | |
Quantity of the ith component | |
Quantity at time t/(t − 1) | |
Quantity projected on the specified axis | |
Transposed quantity | |
Quantity in the base coordinate | |
Quantity in the world coordinate | |
a1, a2 | Swing trajectory coefficients at the z-axis |
ad | Desired linear acceleration |
At | State transition matrix |
Bt | Control input matrix |
c0, c1, c2 | Coefficients of the plane equation |
c | Inequality constraint matrix |
CF | Gaussian random variable based on contact force |
Ct | State measurement matrix |
dmax, dmin | Upper and lower bounds of the constraint, respectively |
dz | Relative distance sensed by the Hall sensor |
fz | Force sensed by the thin-pressure sensor |
f (fx, fy, fz) | GRFs |
fd, fdf | Desired and estimated GRFs, respectively |
gd | Gait type |
GH | Gaussian random variable for ground height |
g | Gravity acceleration |
HD | Gaussian random variable based on relative distance |
Δh | Step height |
I | Identity diagonal matrix |
IG | Inertia vector |
J | Jacobian matrix |
k | Tracking error coefficient |
kp, kd | Proportionality and derivative gain matrices, respectively |
l | Number of inequality constraints |
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 | Physical robot parameters |
m | Total mass of the robot |
Mτ | Gaussian random variable based on joint motor output torque |
n | Number of stance legs |
N | Number of robotic legs used |
P(C) | Contact probability |
p(d) (px, py, pz) | (Desired) Footstep location |
Position of the center of mass in the world coordinate | |
, | Foot positions of the ith leg in the world and base coordinates, respectively |
Desired footstep location of the ith leg | |
Position of the ith leg relative to its shoulder | |
pr | Position relative to the shoulder |
qi,1, qi,2, qi,3 | HAA, HFE, and KFE joint positions of the ith leg, respectively |
qd, q | Desired and actual joint positions, respectively |
Desired and actual joint velocities, respectively | |
Qt | Covariance matrix for δt |
r | Vector from the center of mass to the foot position |
Rotation matrix from base to world coordinates | |
Rt | Covariance matrix for εt |
Sd, | Designed and detected contact states, respectively |
S | Selection matrix |
t | Time |
tφ | Time progress |
T | Gait cycle |
Tp | Probability threshold |
Tst | Stance time in a gait cycle |
Tsw | Swing time in a gait cycle |
∆t | Stance duration |
ut (uφ,t, upz,t) | Input matrix |
vd, v | Desired and actual locomotion velocities, respectively |
WS | Weight for finding the optimal probability threshold |
W | Positive definite weight matrix |
Wτ | Weight matrix for joint torques |
xt () | System state matrix at time t (t−1) |
zt (zτ,t, zf,t, zd,t) | Measurement of the state matrix |
α, β | Symbolic variables |
δt | Measurement noise |
εt | Random process noise |
φ (φt) | (Normalized) Phase progress |
Gaussian random variable for the stance phase process | |
Gaussian random variable for the swing phase process | |
Δφ | Phase difference |
λ | Duty cycle |
, , μH, μτ, μF, μD | Mean for Gaussian distribution of , , GH, Mτ, CF, and HD, respectively |
, , , , , | Variance for Gaussian distribution of , , GH, Mτ, CF, and HD, respectively |
τd | Desired joint torque |
τM | Joint motor output torque |
Desired angular acceleration |
〈 | 〉 |