Advances in polishing of internal structures on parts made by laser-based powder bed fusion
Mingyue SHEN, Fengzhou FANG
Advances in polishing of internal structures on parts made by laser-based powder bed fusion
The internal structures of metallic products are important in realizing functional applications. Considering the manufacturing of inner structures, laser-based powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is an attractive approach because its layering principle enables the fabrication of parts with customized interior structures. However, the inferior surface quality of L-PBF components hinders its productization progress seriously. In this article, process, basic forms, and applications relevant to L-PBF internal structures are reviewed comprehensively. The causes of poor surface quality and differences in the microstructure and property of the surface features of L-PBF inner structures are presented to provide a perspective of their surface characteristics. Various polishing technologies for L-PBF components with inner structures are presented, whereas their strengths and weaknesses are summarized along with a discussion on the challenges and prospects for improving the interior surface quality of L-PBF parts.
laser-based powder bed fusion / polishing / internal structures / surface quality / surface features / post process / additive manufacturing
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3D | Three-dimensional |
AFM | Abrasive flow machining |
AFP | Abrasive fluid polishing |
AM | Additive manufacturing |
BCC | Body-centered cubic |
BF | Barrel finishing |
CAD | Computer-aided design |
CP | Chemical polishing |
ECMP | Electrochemical mechanical polishing |
EP | Electropolishing |
HCAF | Hydrodynamic cavitation abrasive finishing |
LAM | Laser additive manufacturing |
LMD | Laser melting deposition |
L-PBF | Laser-based powder bed fusion |
LS | Laser sintering |
MAF | Magnetic abrasive finishing |
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