Review of human–robot coordination control for rehabilitation based on motor function evaluation
Di SHI, Liduan WANG, Yanqiu ZHANG, Wuxiang ZHANG, Hang XIAO, Xilun DING
Front. Mech. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2) : 28.
Review of human–robot coordination control for rehabilitation based on motor function evaluation
As a wearable and intelligent system, a lower limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot can provide auxiliary rehabilitation training for patients with lower limb walking impairment/loss and address the existing problem of insufficient medical resources. One of the main elements of such a human–robot coupling system is a control system to ensure human–robot coordination. This review aims to summarise the development of human–robot coordination control and the associated research achievements and provide insight into the research challenges in promoting innovative design in such control systems. The patients’ functional disorders and clinical rehabilitation needs regarding lower limbs are analysed in detail, forming the basis for the human–robot coordination of lower limb rehabilitation robots. Then, human–robot coordination is discussed in terms of three aspects: modelling, perception and control. Based on the reviewed research, the demand for robotic rehabilitation, modelling for human–robot coupling systems with new structures and assessment methods with different etiologies based on multi-mode sensors are discussed in detail, suggesting development directions of human–robot coordination and providing a reference for relevant research.
human–robot coupling / lower limb rehabilitation / exoskeleton robot / motor assessment / dynamical model / perception
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