Extended model predictive control scheme for smooth path following of autonomous vehicles
Qianjie LIU, Shuang SONG, Huosheng HU, Tengchao HUANG, Chenyang LI, Qingyuan ZHU
Extended model predictive control scheme for smooth path following of autonomous vehicles
This paper presents an extended model predictive control (MPC) scheme for implementing optimal path following of autonomous vehicles, which has multiple constraints and an integrated model of vehicle and road dynamics. Road curvature and inclination factors are used in the construction of the vehicle dynamic model to describe its lateral and roll dynamics accurately. Sideslip, rollover, and vehicle envelopes are used as multiple constraints in the MPC controller formulation. Then, an extended MPC method solved by differential evolution optimization algorithm is proposed to realize optimal smooth path following based on driving path features. Finally, simulation and real experiments are carried out to evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of the extended MPC scheme. Results indicate that the proposed method can obtain the smooth transition to follow the optimal drivable path and satisfy the lateral dynamic stability and environmental constraints, which can improve the path following quality for better ride comfort and road availability of autonomous vehicles.
autonomous vehicles / vehicle dynamic modeling / model predictive control / path following / optimization algorithm
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Cdj, Cj, C0j | Cornering stiffness coefficient |
Cφ | Combined roll damping coefficient |
CR | Crossover probability within [0, 1] |
ds | Desired minimum safe distance |
D | Objective control input size |
ey | Lateral error |
eyl | Left road boundary |
eyr | Right road boundary |
eψ | Heading error |
Envmax | Maximum feasible road region |
Envmin | Minimum feasible road region |
f | Fitness function |
Fyf | Lateral force of front tire |
Fyr | Lateral force of rear tire |
g | Gravitational acceleration |
h | Distance from the spring mass to the roll center |
Ix | Roll moment of inertia |
Iz | Yaw moment of inertia |
k | Discrete time |
Kφ | Combined roll stiffness coefficient |
lf | Distance from center to front axle |
lr | Distance from center to rear axle |
LTR | Lateral load transfer rate |
LTRd | Equivalent LTR |
LTRmax | Maximum value of LTRd |
m | Total vehicle mass |
ms | Sprung vehicle mass |
Nc | Control horizon |
Np | Prediction horizon |
P | Population size |
r | Vehicle yaw rate |
rand | Random number with a uniform probability distribution in [0, 1] |
rd | Randomly generated integral number in [1, 2, ..., D] |
S | Driving path length |
Tr | Vehicle track |
Ts | Sample time |
uij | New experimental input individual |
vij | Mutation individual of Δδfij |
vx | Longitudinal velocity |
vy | Lateral velocity |
w | Vehicle width |
x0 | Longitudinal position of vehicle origin |
∆x | Distance between two adjacent points in x direction |
y0 | Lateral position of vehicle origin |
yF | Lateral position of front axle |
yR | Lateral position of rear axle |
∆y | Distance between two adjacent points in y direction |
αhj | Saturation slip angle |
αj | Tire slip angle |
αf | Front tire slip angle |
αr | Rear tire slip angle |
αt | Limit tire slip angle |
β | Vehicle sideslip angle |
δf | Front steer angle |
δfmax | Maximum value of δf |
δfmin | Minimum value of δf |
ε | Slack variable |
φ | Roll angle of vehicle |
φr | Road bank angle |
ηr | Robust mutation factor |
Reference road curvature | |
λ | Slack weight |
σ | Penalty factor |
ρ | Driving path curvature |
ψ | Yaw angle |
ψref | Reference heading angle |
∆δfmax | Maximum of steer angle increment |
∆δfmin | Minimum of steer angle increment |
Δδfij | Initial individual |
Weight factor of ρ | |
Гs | Weight factor of S |
Гu | Weight factor of ∆u |
Гψ | Weight factor of eψ |
A | Augmented state matrix |
Ac | State matrix |
Ad | Discrete state matrix |
Am | System state matrix |
Predicted state matrix for output system | |
, , | Coefficient matrices for hard constraints |
, , | Coefficient matrices for soft constraints |
Predicted state matrix | |
Bu | Augmented input matrix |
Buc | Input matrix |
Bud | Discrete input matrix |
Bum | System input matrix |
Bv | Augmented disturbance matrix |
Bvc | Disturbance matrix |
Bvd | Discrete disturbance matrix |
Bvm | System disturbance matrix |
Predicted input matrix for output system | |
Predicted input matrix | |
Predicted disturbance matrix for output system | |
Predicted disturbance matrix |
C | Augmented output matrix |
Cc | Output matrix |
Cd | Discrete output matrix |
E | Output deviation |
E1, E2, Ed2 | Constraint state matrix |
F1, F2 | Constraint input matrix |
Hk, Vk, Gk, Pk | Quadratic transformation matrices |
Jc | Conventional cost function |
Je | Optimized cost function |
J(Env) | Penalty function of feasible road region |
M | System matrix |
M1, M2 | Constraint output matrix |
Q | Output weight matrix |
R | Input weight matrix |
u | Control input |
umax | Maximum value of u |
umin | Minimum value of u |
Ui | Experimental control input sequence |
∆u | Input increment |
∆umax | Maximum value of ∆u |
∆umin | Minimum value of ∆u |
∆Uc | Input variation |
Vi | Mutation control input |
Wi | Initial population |
x | State vector |
Xp | State prediction |
y | Output vector |
yhmax | Hard constraint of upper output bound |
yhmin | Hard constraint of lower output bound |
ymax | Maximum value of y |
ymin | Minimum value of y |
yref | Desired reference output |
ysmax | Soft constraint of upper output bound |
ysmin | Soft constraint of lower output bound |
Yp | Output prediction |
Yref | Reference output matrix |
γ | Disturbance input |
ξ | Augmented state vector |
〈 | 〉 |