Damage propagation and strength prediction of a single-lap interference-fit laminate structure
Peng ZOU, Xiangming CHEN, Hao CHEN, Guanhua XU
Damage propagation and strength prediction of a single-lap interference-fit laminate structure
Experimental and finite element research was conducted on the bolted interference fit of a single-lap laminated structure to reveal the damage propagation mechanism and strength change law. A typical single-lap statically loading experiment was performed, and a finite element damage prediction model was built based on intralaminar progress damage theory. The model was programmed with a user subroutine and an interlaminar cohesive zone method. The deformation and damage propagation of the specimen were analyzed, and the failure mechanism of intralaminar and interlaminar damage during loading was discussed. The effect of secondary bending moment on load translation and damage distribution was revealed. The experimental and simulated load–displacement curves were compared to validate the developed model’s reliability, and the ultimate bearing strengths under different fit percentages were predicted. An optimal percentage was also recommended.
single-lap / interference fit / secondary bending moment / damage mechanism / bearing strength
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