Multi-objective optimization of process parameters in Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding based on ANN-NSGA-II hybrid technique

Ravindra Nath YADAV, Vinod YADAVA, G.K. SINGH

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Front. Mech. Eng. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11465-013-0269-3

Multi-objective optimization of process parameters in Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding based on ANN-NSGA-II hybrid technique

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The effective study of hybrid machining processes (HMPs), in terms of modeling and optimization has always been a challenge to the researchers. The combined approach of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) has attracted attention of researchers for modeling and optimization of the complex machining processes. In this paper, a hybrid machining process of Electrical Discharge Face Grinding (EDFG) and Diamond Face Grinding (DFG) named as Electrical Discharge Diamond face Grinding (EDDFG) have been studied using a hybrid methodology of ANN-NSGA-II. In this study, ANN has been used for modeling while NSGA-II is used to optimize the control parameters of the EDDFG process. For observations of input-output relations, the experiments were conducted on a self developed face grinding setup, which is attached with the ram of EDM machine. During experimentation, the wheel speed, pulse current, pulse on-time and duty factor are taken as input parameters while output parameters are material removal rate (MRR) and average surface roughness (Ra). The results have shown that the developed ANN model is capable to predict the output responses within the acceptable limit for a given set of input parameters. It has also been found that hybrid approach of ANN-NSGA-II gives a set of optimal solutions for getting appropriate value of outputs with multiple objectives.


hybrid machining processes (HMPs) / electrical discharge diamond grinding (EDDG) / artificial neural network (ANN) / genetic algorithm / modeling and optimization

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Ravindra Nath YADAV, Vinod YADAVA, G.K. SINGH. Multi-objective optimization of process parameters in Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding based on ANN-NSGA-II hybrid technique. Front Mech Eng,


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