Additive manufacturing: technology, applications and research needs

Nannan GUO, Ming C. LEU

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Additive manufacturing: technology, applications and research needs

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Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has been researched and developed for more than 20 years. Rather than removing materials, AM processes make three-dimensional parts directly from CAD models by adding materials layer by layer, offering the beneficial ability to build parts with geometric and material complexities that could not be produced by subtractive manufacturing processes. Through intensive research over the past two decades, significant progress has been made in the development and commercialization of new and innovative AM processes, as well as numerous practical applications in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, energy and other fields. This paper reviews the main processes, materials and applications of the current AM technology and presents future research needs for this technology.


additive manufacturing (AM) / AM processes / AM materials / AM applications

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Nannan GUO, Ming C. LEU. Additive manufacturing: technology, applications and research needs. Front Mech Eng,


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