Elliptical lobe shape gerotor pump design to minimize wear


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Front. Mech. Eng. ›› 2011, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4) : 429-434. DOI: 10.1007/s11465-011-0247-6

Elliptical lobe shape gerotor pump design to minimize wear

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The gerotor pumps are the most important parts of mechanical equipment that have a vast number of applications in industries and automobiles. Because the gerotor pumps cannot be adjusted for wear so it is important to reduce the wear as much as possible. In this paper first mathematical equations for elliptical lobe shape rotors profile and curvature of them have been derived and then Specific flow and wear rate proportional factor (WRPF) have been formulated. To reach the minimum wear in rotors teeth, the ellipse shape factor is changed for each value of number of outer rotor teeth in a feasible range and wear rate proportional factor has been resulted. Also in order to have better comparison specific flow has been presented. The obtained results have been compared with circular pumps with similar geometrical parameters and show the significant improvement in wear of the rotors with negligible changes in the specific flow.


gerotor pump / elliptical lobe shape pump / wear rate proportional factor (WRPF) / specific flow

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Mohammad Reza KARAMOOZ RAVARI. Elliptical lobe shape gerotor pump design to minimize wear. Front Mech Eng, 2011, 6(4): 429‒434 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11465-011-0247-6


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