Patterned wafer bonding using ultraviolet adhesive
Rui ZHUO, Guanglan LIAO, Wenliang LIU, Lei NIE, Tielin SHI
Patterned wafer bonding using ultraviolet adhesive
The process of patterned wafer bonding using ultraviolet (UV) adhesive as the intermediate layer was studied. By presetting the UV adhesive guide-layer, controlling the thickness of the intermediate layer (1– 1.5 μm), appropriate pre-drying temperature (60°C), and predrying time (6 min), we obtained the intermediate layer bonding of patterned quartz/quartz. Experimental results indicate that patterned wafer bonding using UV adhesive is achieved under room temperature. The process also has advantages of easy operation, low cost, and no plugging or leakage in the patterned area after bonding. Using the process, a microfluidic chip for red blood cell counting was designed and fabricated. Patterned wafer bonding using UV adhesive will have great potential in the fabrication of microfluidic chips.
ultraviolet (UV) adhesive / intermediate layer / patterned wafer bonding
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