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2023年, 第18卷  第2期
Cover Story ( Xuning ZHANG, Xingyue LIU, Yifan HUANG, Bo SUN, Zhiyong LIU, Guanglan LIAO, Tielin SHI. Review on flexible perovskite photodetector: processing and applications. Front. Mech. Eng., 2023, 18(2): 33)
Next-generation optoelectronics that are lightweight and flexible have shown potential in portable and wearable applications owing to their ability to conform to arbitrary surfaces or even human skin. Photodete [展开] ...

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CN 11-5984/TH
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  • 2023年, 第18卷 第2期 出版日期:2023-06-15
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    Review on flexible perovskite photodetector: processing and applications
    Xuning ZHANG, Xingyue LIU, Yifan HUANG, Bo SUN, Zhiyong LIU, Guanglan LIAO, Tielin SHI
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 33-.
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    Next-generation optoelectronics should possess lightweight and flexible characteristics, thus conforming to various types of surfaces or human skins for portable and wearable applications. Flexible photodetectors as fundamental devices have been receiving increasing attention owing to their potential applications in artificial intelligence, aerospace industry, and wise information technology of 120, among which perovskite is a promising candidate as the light-harvesting material for its outstanding optical and electrical properties, remarkable mechanical flexibility, low-cost and low-temperature processing methods. To date, most of the reports have demonstrated the fabrication methods of the perovskite materials, materials engineering, applications in solar cells, light-emitting diodes, lasers, and photodetectors, strategies for device performance enhancement, few can be seen with a focus on the processing strategies of perovskite-based flexible photodetectors, which we will give a comprehensive summary, herein. To begin with, a brief introduction to the fabrication methods of perovskite (solution and vapor-based methods), device configurations (photovoltaic, photoconductor, and phototransistor), and performance parameters of the perovskite-based photodetectors are first arranged. Emphatically, processing strategies for photodetectors are presented following, including flexible substrates (i.e., polymer, carbon cloth, fiber, paper, etc.), soft electrodes (i.e., metal-based conductive networks, carbon-based conductive materials, and two-dimensional (2D) conductive materials, etc.), conformal encapsulation (single-layer and multilayer stacked encapsulation), low-dimensional perovskites (0D, 1D, and 2D nanostructures), and elaborate device structures. Typical applications of perovskite-based flexible photodetectors such as optical communication, image sensing, and health monitoring are further exhibited to learn the flexible photodetectors on a deeper level. Challenges and future research directions of perovskite-based flexible photodetectors are proposed in the end. The purpose of this review is not only to shed light on the basic design principle of flexible photodetectors, but also to serve as the roadmap for further developments of flexible photodetectors and exploring their applications in the fields of industrial manufacturing, human life, and health care.

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    Energy field-assisted high-speed dry milling green machining technology for difficult-to-machine metal materials
    Jin ZHANG, Xuefeng HUANG, Xinzhen KANG, Hao YI, Qianyue WANG, Huajun CAO
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 28-.
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    Energy field-assisted machining technology has the potential to overcome the limitations of machining difficult-to-machine metal materials, such as poor machinability, low cutting efficiency, and high energy consumption. High-speed dry milling has emerged as a typical green processing technology due to its high processing efficiency and avoidance of cutting fluids. However, the lack of necessary cooling and lubrication in high-speed dry milling makes it difficult to meet the continuous milling requirements for difficult-to-machine metal materials. The introduction of advanced energy-field-assisted green processing technology can improve the machinability of such metallic materials and achieve efficient precision manufacturing, making it a focus of academic and industrial research. In this review, the characteristics and limitations of high-speed dry milling of difficult-to-machine metal materials, including titanium alloys, nickel-based alloys, and high-strength steel, are systematically explored. The laser energy field, ultrasonic energy field, and cryogenic minimum quantity lubrication energy fields are introduced. By analyzing the effects of changing the energy field and cutting parameters on tool wear, chip morphology, cutting force, temperature, and surface quality of the workpiece during milling, the superiority of energy-field-assisted milling of difficult-to-machine metal materials is demonstrated. Finally, the shortcomings and technical challenges of energy-field-assisted milling are summarized in detail, providing feasible ideas for realizing multi-energy field collaborative green machining of difficult-to-machine metal materials in the future.

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    Footholds optimization for legged robots walking on complex terrain
    Yunpeng YIN, Yue ZHAO, Yuguang XIAO, Feng GAO
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 26-.
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    This paper proposes a novel continuous footholds optimization method for legged robots to expand their walking ability on complex terrains. The algorithm can efficiently run onboard and online by using terrain perception information to protect the robot against slipping or tripping on the edge of obstacles, and to improve its stability and safety when walking on complex terrain. By relying on the depth camera installed on the robot and obtaining the terrain heightmap, the algorithm converts the discrete grid heightmap into a continuous costmap. Then, it constructs an optimization function combined with the robot’s state information to select the next footholds and generate the motion trajectory to control the robot’s locomotion. Compared with most existing footholds selection algorithms that rely on discrete enumeration search, as far as we know, the proposed algorithm is the first to use a continuous optimization method. We successfully implemented the algorithm on a hexapod robot, and verified its feasibility in a walking experiment on a complex terrain.

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    Design of a novel side-mounted leg mechanism with high flexibility for a multi-mission quadruped earth rover BJTUBOT
    Yifan WU, Sheng GUO, Luquan LI, Lianzheng NIU, Xiao LI
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 24-.
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    Earth rover is a class of emerging wheeled-leg robots for nature exploration. At present, few methods for these robots’ leg design utilize a side-mounted spatial parallel mechanism. Thus, this paper presents a complete design process of a novel 5-degree-of-freedom (5-DOF) hybrid leg mechanism for our quadruped earth rover BJTUBOT. First, a general approach is proposed for constructing the novel leg mechanism. Subsequently, by evaluating the basic locomotion task (LT) of the rover based on screw theory, we determine the desired motion characteristic of the side-mounted leg and carry out its two feasible configurations. With regard to the synthesis method of the parallel mechanism, a family of concise hybrid leg mechanisms using the 6-DOF limbs and an L1F1C limb (which can provide a constraint force and a couple) is designed. In verifying the motion characteristics of this kind of leg, we select a typical (3-UPRU&RRRR)&R mechanism and then analyze its kinematic model, singularities, velocity mapping, workspace, dexterity, statics, and kinetostatic performance. Furthermore, the virtual quadruped rover equipped with this innovative leg mechanism is built. Various basic and specific LTs of the rover are demonstrated by simulation, which indicates that the flexibility of the legs can help the rover achieve multitasking.

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    Design and modeling of continuum robot based on virtual-center of motion mechanism
    Guoxin LI, Jingjun YU, Yichao TANG, Jie PAN, Shengge CAO, Xu PEI
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 23-.
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    Continuum robot has attracted extensive attention since its emergence. It has multi-degree of freedom and high compliance, which give it significant advantages when traveling and operating in narrow spaces. The flexural virtual-center of motion (VCM) mechanism can be machined integrally, and this way eliminates the assembly between joints. Thus, it is well suited for use as a continuum robot joint. Therefore, a design method for continuum robots based on the VCM mechanism is proposed in this study. First, a novel VCM mechanism is formed using a double leaf-type isosceles-trapezoidal flexural pivot (D-LITFP), which is composed of a series of superimposed LITFPs, to enlarge its stroke. Then, the pseudo-rigid body (PRB) model of the leaf is extended to the VCM mechanism, and the stiffness and stroke of the D-LITFP are modeled. Second, the VCM mechanism is combined to form a flexural joint suitable for the continuum robot. Finally, experiments and simulations are used to validate the accuracy and validity of the PRB model by analyzing the performance (stiffness and stroke) of the VCM mechanism. Furthermore, the motion performance of the designed continuum robot is evaluated. Results show that the maximum stroke of the VCM mechanism is approximately 14.2°, the axial compressive strength is approximately 1915 N/mm, and the repeatable positioning accuracies of the continuum robot is approximately ±1.47° (bending angle) and ±2.46° (bending direction).

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    High-efficiency inspecting method for mobile robots based on task planning for heat transfer tubes in a steam generator
    Biying XU, Xuehe ZHANG, Yue OU, Kuan ZHANG, Zhenming XING, Hegao CAI, Jie ZHAO, Jizhuang FAN
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 25-.
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    Many heat transfer tubes are distributed on the tube plates of a steam generator that requires periodic inspection by robots. Existing inspection robots are usually involved in issues: Robots with manipulators need complicated installation due to their fixed base; tube mobile robots suffer from low running efficiency because of their structural restricts. Since there are thousands of tubes to be checked, task planning is essential to guarantee the precise, orderly, and efficient inspection process. Most in-service robots check the task tubes using row-by-row and column-by-column planning. This leads to unnecessary inspections, resulting in a long shutdown and affecting the regular operation of a nuclear power plant. Therefore, this paper introduces the structure and control system of a dexterous robot and proposes a task planning method. This method proceeds into three steps: task allocation, base position search, and sequence planning. To allocate the task regions, this method calculates the tool work matrix and proposes a criterion to evaluate a sub-region. And then all tasks contained in the sub-region are considered globally to search the base positions. Lastly, we apply an improved ant colony algorithm for base sequence planning and determine the inspection orders according to the planned path. We validated the optimized algorithm by conducting task planning experiments using our robot on a tube sheet. The results show that the proposed method can accomplish full task coverage with few repetitive or redundant inspections and it increases the efficiency by 33.31% compared to the traditional planning algorithms.

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    Cusp points and assembly changing motions in the PRR-PR-PRR planar parallel manipulator
    Chengwei SHEN, Jingjun YU, Xu PEI
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 27-.
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    Most parallel manipulators have multiple solutions to the direct kinematic problem. The ability to perform assembly changing motions has received the attention of a few researchers. Cusp points play an important role in the kinematic behavior. This study investigates the cusp points and assembly changing motions in a two degrees of freedom planar parallel manipulator. The direct kinematic problem of the manipulator yields a quartic polynomial equation. Each root in the equation determines the assembly configuration, and four solutions are obtained for a given set of actuated joint coordinates. By regarding the discriminant of the repeated roots of the quartic equation as an implicit function of two actuated joint coordinates, the direct kinematic singularity loci in the joint space are determined by the implicit function. Cusp points are then obtained by the intersection of a quadratic curve and a cubic curve. Two assembly changing motions by encircling different cusp points are highlighted, for each pair of solutions with the same sign of the determinants of the direct Jacobian matrices.

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    Design and characteristic research of a novel electromechanical-hydraulic hybrid actuator with two transmission mechanisms
    Shufei QIAO, Long QUAN, Yunxiao HAO, Lei GE, Lianpeng XIA
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 19-.
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    Servo-hydraulic actuators (SHAs) are widely used in mechanical equipment to drive heavy-duty mechanisms. However, their energy efficiency is low, and their motion characteristics are inevitably affected by uncertain nonlinearities. Electromechanical actuators (EMAs) possess superior energy efficiency and motion characteristics. However, they cannot easily drive heavy-duty mechanisms because of weak bearing capacity. This study proposes and designs a novel electromechanical-hydraulic hybrid actuator (EMHA) that integrates the advantages of EMA and SHA. EMHA mainly features two transmission mechanisms. The piston of the hydraulic transmission mechanism and the ball screw pair of the electromechanical transmission mechanism are mechanically fixed together through screw bolts, realizing the integration of two types of transmission mechanisms. The control scheme of the electromechanical transmission mechanism is used for motion control, and the hydraulic transmission mechanism is used for power assistance. Then, the mathematical model, structure, and parameter design of the new EMHA are studied. Finally, the EMHA prototype and test platform are manufactured. The test results prove that the EMHA has good working characteristics and high energy efficiency. Compared with the valve-controlled hydraulic cylinder system, EMHA exhibits a velocity tracking error and energy consumption reduced by 49.7% and 54%, respectively, under the same working conditions.

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    Numerical simulation and experimental research on the wheel brush sampling process of an asteroid sampler
    Haitao LUO, Qiming WEI, Yuxin LI, Junlin LI, Wei ZHANG, Weijia ZHOU
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 16-.
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    To examine the environmental characteristics of the microgravity force and the weathered layer on an asteroid surface, a symmetric wheel brush asteroid sampler is proposed for the collection of particles on the asteroid surface. To study the influence of the wheel brush rotation speed on the sampling efficiency and the driving torque required for the wheel brush, the contact dynamics model between particles and sampling wheel brushes is established and a simulation and experimental verification of the sampling process are conducted. The parameter calibration of the sampled particles is studied first, and the calibrated particle parameters are used in the numerical simulation of the sampling process. The sampling results and the particle stream curves are obtained for the working conditions of different rotation speeds, and the effects of different parameter settings on the sampling efficiency are analyzed. In addition, a set of rotating symmetrical sampling wheel brush devices is built for the ground test, and the dynamic torque sensor is used to test the torque change of the wheel brush during the sampling process. The relationship between the speed of the wheel brush and the driving torque of the wheel brush motor is determined by comparing the simulation results with the test results. Results indicate that when the rotating speed of the wheel brush is faster, the sampling efficiency is higher, and the driving torque required for the sampling wheel brush is greater. Moreover, a numerical simulation analysis of the sampling process of the wheel brush sampler in a microgravity environment is conducted to determine the optimal speed condition, and the brushing test of the wheel brush sampler in the microgravity environment is verified with the drop tower method. This research proposes the structural optimization design and motor selection of a wheel brush asteroid sampler, which provides important reference value and engineering significance.

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    Build orientation determination of multi-feature mechanical parts in selective laser melting via multi-objective decision making
    Hongsheng SHENG, Jinghua XU, Shuyou ZHANG, Jianrong TAN, Kang WANG
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 21-.
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    Selective laser melting (SLM) is a unique additive manufacturing (AM) category that can be used to manufacture mechanical parts. It has been widely used in aerospace and automotive using metal or alloy powder. The build orientation is crucial in AM because it affects the as-built part, including its part accuracy, surface roughness, support structure, and build time and cost. A mechanical part is usually composed of multiple surface features. The surface features carry the production and design knowledge, which can be utilized in SLM fabrication. This study proposes a method to determine the build orientation of multi-feature mechanical parts (MFMPs) in SLM. First, the surface features of an MFMP are recognized and grouped for formulating the particular optimization objectives. Second, the estimation models of involved optimization objectives are established, and a set of alternative build orientations (ABOs) is further obtained by many-objective optimization. Lastly, a multi-objective decision making method integrated by the technique for order of preference by similarity to the ideal solution and cosine similarity measure is presented to select an optimal build orientation from those ABOs. The weights of the feature groups and considered objectives are achieved by a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Two case studies are reported to validate the proposed method with numerical results, and the effectiveness comparison is presented. Physical manufacturing is conducted to prove the performance of the proposed method. The measured average sampling surface roughness of the most crucial feature of the bracket in the original orientation and the orientations obtained by the weighted sum model and the proposed method are 15.82, 10.84, and 10.62 μm, respectively. The numerical and physical validation results demonstrate that the proposed method is desirable to determine the build orientations of MFMPs with competitive results in SLM.

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    Development of lunar regolith-based composite for in-situ 3D printing via high-pressure extrusion system
    Hua ZHAO, Jihong ZHU, Shangqin YUAN, Shaoying LI, Weihong ZHANG
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 29-.
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    To fully utilize the in-situ resources on the moon to facilitate the establishment of a lunar habitat is significant to realize the long-term residence of mankind on the moon and the deep space exploration in the future. Thus, intensive research works have been conducted to develop types of 3D printing approach to adapt to the extreme environment and utilize the lunar regolith for in-situ construction. However, the in-situ 3D printing using raw lunar regolith consumes extremely high energy and time. In this work, we proposed a cost-effective melting extrusion system for lunar regolith-based composite printing, and engineering thermoplastic powders are employed as a bonding agent for lunar regolith composite. The high-performance nylon and lunar regolith are uniformly pre-mixed in powder form with different weight fractions. The high-pressure extrusion system is helpful to enhance the interface affinity of polymer binders with lunar regolith as well as maximize the loading ratio of in-situ resources of lunar regolith. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elastic modulus, and Poisson’s ratio of the printed specimens were evaluated systematically. Especially, the impact performance was emphasized to improve the resistance of the meteorite impact on the moon. The maximum tensile strength and impact toughness reach 36.2 MPa and 5.15 kJ/m2, respectively. High-pressure melt extrusion for lunar regolith composite can increase the effective loading fraction up to 80 wt.% and relatively easily adapt to extreme conditions for in-situ manufacturing.

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    A multi-sensor relation model for recognizing and localizing faults of machines based on network analysis
    Shuhui WANG, Yaguo LEI, Na LU, Xiang LI, Bin YANG
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 20-.
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    Recently, advanced sensing techniques ensure a large number of multivariate sensing data for intelligent fault diagnosis of machines. Given the advantage of obtaining accurate diagnosis results, multi-sensor fusion has long been studied in the fault diagnosis field. However, existing studies suffer from two weaknesses. First, the relations of multiple sensors are either neglected or calculated only to improve the diagnostic accuracy of fault types. Second, the localization for multi-source faults is seldom investigated, although locating the anomaly variable over multivariate sensing data for certain types of faults is desirable. This article attempts to overcome the above weaknesses by proposing a global method to recognize fault types and localize fault sources with the help of multi-sensor relations (MSRs). First, an MSR model is developed to learn MSRs automatically and further obtain fault recognition results. Second, centrality measures are employed to analyze the MSR graphs learned by the MSR model, and fault sources are therefore determined. The proposed method is demonstrated by experiments on an induction motor and a centrifugal pump. Results show the proposed method’s validity in diagnosing fault types and sources.

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    Digital twin-assisted gearbox dynamic model updating toward fault diagnosis
    Jingyan XIA, Ruyi HUANG, Yixiao LIAO, Jipu LI, Zhuyun CHEN, Weihua LI
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 32-.
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    One of the core challenges of intelligent fault diagnosis is that the diagnosis model requires numerous labeled training datasets to achieve satisfactory performance. Generating training data using a virtual model is a potential solution for addressing such a problem, and the construction of a high-fidelity virtual model is fundamental and critical for data generation. In this study, a digital twin-assisted dynamic model updating method for fault diagnosis is thus proposed to improve the fidelity and reliability of a virtual model, which can enhance the generated data quality. First, a virtual model is established to mirror the vibration response of a physical entity using a dynamic modeling method. Second, the modeling method is validated through a frequency analysis of the generated signal. Then, based on the signal similarity indicator, a physical–virtual signal interaction method is proposed to dynamically update the virtual model in which parameter sensitivity analysis, surrogate technique, and optimization algorithm are applied to increase the efficiency during the model updating. Finally, the proposed method is successfully applied to the dynamic model updating of a single-stage helical gearbox; the virtual data generated by this model can be used for gear fault diagnosis.

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    A bionic approach for the mechanical and electrical decoupling of an MEMS capacitive sensor in ultralow force measurement
    Wendi GAO, Bian TIAN, Cunlang LIU, Yingbiao MI, Chen JIA, Libo ZHAO, Tao LIU, Nan ZHU, Ping YANG, Qijing LIN, Zhuangde JIANG, Dong SUN
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 31-.
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    Capacitive sensors are efficient tools for biophysical force measurement, which is essential for the exploration of cellular behavior. However, attention has been rarely given on the influences of external mechanical and internal electrical interferences on capacitive sensors. In this work, a bionic swallow structure design norm was developed for mechanical decoupling, and the influences of structural parameters on mechanical behavior were fully analyzed and optimized. A bionic feather comb distribution strategy and a portable readout circuit were proposed for eliminating electrostatic interferences. Electrostatic instability was evaluated, and electrostatic decoupling performance was verified on the basis of a novel measurement method utilizing four complementary comb arrays and application-specific integrated circuit readouts. An electrostatic pulling experiment showed that the bionic swallow structure hardly moved by 0.770 nm, and the measurement error was less than 0.009% for the area-variant sensor and 1.118% for the gap-variant sensor, which can be easily compensated in readouts. The proposed sensor also exhibited high resistance against electrostatic rotation, and the resulting measurement error dropped below 0.751%. The rotation interferences were less than 0.330 nm and (1.829 × 10−7)°, which were 35 times smaller than those of the traditional differential one. Based on the proposed bionic decoupling method, the fabricated sensor exhibited overwhelming capacitive sensitivity values of 7.078 and 1.473 pF/µm for gap-variant and area-variant devices, respectively, which were the highest among the current devices. High immunity to mechanical disturbances was maintained simultaneously, i.e., less than 0.369% and 0.058% of the sensor outputs for the gap-variant and area-variant devices, respectively, indicating its great performance improvements over existing devices and feasibility in ultralow biomedical force measurement.

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    Design and evaluation of a novel biopsy needle with hemostatic function
    Xiaolong ZHU, Yichi MA, Xiao XIAO, Liang LU, Wei XIAO, Ziqi ZHAO, Hongliang REN, Max Q.-H. MENG
    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18 (2): 22-.
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    Biopsy is a method commonly used for early cancer diagnosis. However, bleeding complications of widely available biopsy are risky for patients. Safer biopsy will result in a more accurate cancer diagnosis and a decrease in the risk of complications. In this article, we propose a novel biopsy needle that can reduce bleeding during biopsy procedures and achieve stable hemostasis. The proposed biopsy needle features a compact structure and can be operated easily by left and right hands. A predictive model for puncture force and tip deflection based on coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian (CEL) method is developed. Experimental results show that the biopsy needle can smoothly deliver the gelatin sponge hemostatic plug into the tissue. Although the hemostatic plug bends, the overall delivery process is stable, and the hemostatic plug retains in the tissue without being affected by the withdrawal of the needle. Further experiments indicate that the specimens are well obtained and evenly distributed in the groove of the outer needle without scattering. Our proposed design of biopsy needle possesses strong ability of hemostasis, tissue cutting, and tissue retention. The CEL model accurately predicts the peak of puncture force and produces close estimation of the insertion force at the postpuncture stage and tip position.

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