
Cutting-edge Research under the European Green Deal: Water Resources Engineering
Editors: Yifeng Zhang, Elvis Genbo Xu, Xing Yang & Liwen Xiao
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    Mohamed Helal, Min Liu, Honghong Chen, Mingliang Fang, Wenhui Qiu, Frank Kjeldsen, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Vengatesen Thiyagarajan, Henrik Holbech, Elvis Genbo Xu
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(11): 133.

    ● We integrate omics data to analyze the aquatic toxicodynamics of nanoplastics.

    ● Transcriptomics is the primary omics tool in aquatic nanoplastic toxicology research.

    ● Metabolic disruption, oxidative stress, & photosynthesis inhibition are key effects.

    ● Variations in molecular responses to nanoplastics are underscored among species.

    ● Recommendations are made to advance the multi-omics approach in nanoplastic research.

    Amidst increasing concerns about plastic pollution’s impacts on ecology and health, nanoplastics are gaining global recognition as emerging environmental hazards. This review aimed to examine the complex molecular consequences and underlying fundamental toxicity mechanisms reported from the exposure of diverse aquatic organisms to nanoplastics. Through the comprehensive examination of transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics studies, we explored the intricate toxicodynamics of nanoplastics in aquatic species. The review raised essential questions about the consistency of findings across different omics approaches, the value of combining these omics tools to understand better and predict ecotoxicity, and the potential differences in molecular responses between species. By amalgamating insights from 37 omics studies (transcriptome 22, proteome six, and metabolome nine) published from 2013 to 2023, the review uncovered both shared and distinct toxic effects and mechanisms in which nanoplastics can affect aquatic life, and recommendations were provided for advancing omics-based research on nanoplastic pollution. This comprehensive review illuminates the nuanced connections between nanoplastic exposure and aquatic ecosystems, offering crucial insights into the complex mechanisms that may drive toxicity in aquatic environments.

    Daniela M. Pampanin, Daniel Schlenk, Matteo Vitale, Pierre Liboureau, Magne O Sydnes
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(9): 113.

    ● Most prescribed PPCP concentrations were measured in WWTP influent and effluent.

    ● The WWTP removal efficacy was above 90% for 12 out of 22 PPCPs.

    ● The use of bioassays was successful in evaluating the WWTP effluent impact.

    ● There was no risk due to the WWTP discharge related to the 30 selected PPCPs.

    ● DREAM simulation provided useful info about the WWTP discharge plume distribution.

    Concerns related to environmental risks associated with pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have led researchers to seek methods for assessing and monitoring these contaminants in the aquatic environment. Identifying and validating risk assessment tools that can evaluate ecological concerns and risks associated with PPCPs is critical. Herein, the suitability of a dose-related risk and effect assessment model, which estimates predicted environmental concentrations and allowed comparisons with predicted no effect concentrations determined, in combination with in vitro analyses of the whole effluent toxicity, was verified for the characterization of a PPCP hazard. Concentrations of the most utilized PPCPs in Norway were measured in influent and effluent samples and used to parameterize the fate model.

     Greater than 90% removal was attained for 12 out of 22 detected PPCPs. Removal was not dependent on the class or the concentration of the specific substance and varied between 12% and 100%. The PPCPs detected in the discharged wastewater were utilized to assess individual contributions to the risk of the effluent, and no risk was identified for the targeted 30 PPCP. The simulations provided valuable information regarding the discharge plume distribution over time, which can aid planning of future environmental monitoring investigations.

     Bioassays (using fish liver cells, PLHC-1) were used for assessing overall effluent toxicity, through cell viability, production of reactive oxygen species, and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activities.

     The present study may allow regulators to use risk-based strategies over removal criteria for monitoring studies and confirms the importance to take PPCP contamination into consideration when establishing environmental regulations.

    Mehmet Eren Yaman, Emrah Ozturk, Ulku Yetis, Mehmet Kitis
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(8): 103.

    ● The compliance status of 488 BATs was investigated in the Turkish textile sector.

    ● Full-scale BAT implementation ratios (IR) were evaluated under 17 headings.

    ● It was found that 37% of the BATs was already implemented full-scale.

    ● 63% of BATs was potentially to be implemented and not projected to be implemented.

    ● It was found that 60 BATs had lower IR values (0%–43%).

    The draft Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) regulation mandates compliance with best available techniques (BATs) for textile manufacturers. A study in Turkish textile facilities, covering 56 units across four sub-sectors, assessed the status of 488 BATs through on-site visits and surveys. The aim was to gauge the sector’s adherence to BATs. The findings revealed that 37% of surveyed BATs were fully implemented, rising to 88% when considering potential future implementations. This suggests a strong industry inclination toward adopting BATs for cleaner production and competitiveness. The study highlighted significant BAT-related investments in the textile sector, driven by environmental concerns, regulations, customer demands, resource efficiency, competition, and cost-benefit considerations. However, the study results also indicated that there is still much work to do for the implementation of some BATs. It was found that 60 BATs had lower implementation ratios (IR: 0%–43%). Lower IR values for these BATs are mainly due to factors like specificity, high costs, long payback periods, operational difficulties, limited expertise, space constraints, customer requirements, quality concerns, operational issues, and sector-specific challenges. The study recommends similar assessments in other European industrial sectors to evaluate compliance with mandatory BATs outlined in the Industrial Emissions Directive. The insights from this study on the Turkish textile sector can serve as a valuable guide for future evaluations.

    Mathias Fessler, Qingxian Su, Marlene Mark Jensen, Yifeng Zhang
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(4): 48.

    ● The first study of electrochemically active magnetotactic bacteria.

    ● Two magnetotactic species are able to generate current in microbial fuel cells.

    ● Electron shuttle resazurin enables both species to reduce the crystalline Fe2O3.

    M. magneticum can reduce poorly crystalline iron oxide (FeOOH).

    ● Electroactivity might be common for magnetotactic bacteria.

    Magnetotactic bacteria reside in sediments and stratified water columns. They are named after their ability to synthesize internal magnetic particles that allow them to align and swim along the Earth’s magnetic field lines. Here, we show that two magnetotactic species, Magnetospirillum magneticum strain AMB-1 and Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense strain MSR-1, are electroactive. Both M. magneticum and M. gryphiswaldense were able to generate current in microbial fuel cells with maximum power densities of 27 and 11 µW/m2, respectively. In the presence of the electron shuttle resazurin both species were able to reduce the crystalline iron oxide hematite (Fe2O3). In addition, M. magneticum could reduce poorly crystalline iron oxide (FeOOH). Our study adds M. magneticum and M. gryphiswaldense to the growing list of known electroactive bacteria, and implies that electroactivity might be common for bacteria within the Magnetospirillum genus.

    Mingyue Luo, Yiqi Su, Delphine Jenny Vandeputte, Yuwei Jia, Guanlei Li, Willy Baeyens, Marijke Huysmans, Marc Elskens, Yue Gao
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(4): 46.

    ● Wastewater reuse for groundwater replenishment and agricultural irrigation.

    ● Assessment of (in)organic pollutants in WWTP effluent and adjacent water systems.

    ● Measurement of bioavailable inorganic pollutants using DGT technique.

    ● Calculation of lability of inorganic pollutants based on the DGT results.

    Under the pressure of global droughts and water shortage, it is essential to evolve toward a sustainable and robust water system. One possible avenue is the maximum reuse of treated wastewater, but the quality of which determines its reuse. Therefore, inorganic (Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu, and As) and organic (xenoestrogens and polycyclic aromatic contaminants, PACs) contaminants were monthly monitored in an effluent of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), the surrounding surface waters and the local groundwater in Belgium. Dissolved and particulate concentrations of inorganic contaminants in these water bodies were analyzed. In addition, Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films (DGT) was used in situ to obtain bioavailable metal fractions. In the WWTP effluent and surface waters, only Ni exceeds the Annual Average-Environmental Quality Standard (AA-EQS), while in the groundwater, dissolved As was the predominant element. Moreover, in the surface and effluent waters the highest lability degrees were observed for Cd and Ni. The concentrations of these metal species in the effluent water were lower than in the other water bodies. Micro-organic pollutants, xenoestrogens and PACs were analyzed by dual Estrogen and Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor - Chemical Activated LUciferase gene eXpression (ER & AhR-CALUX) assays. Since the annual averaged (AA) bioequivalent concentration of E2 (0.18 ng/L) is below the AA-EQS standard (0.4 ng/L), and the bioequivalent concentration of benzo[a]pyrene never exceeded the maximum admissible concentration (MAC), the reclamation and reuse of treated wastewater for groundwater replenishment and agricultural irrigation should pose no environmental problems, at least in a short-term.

    Sofia Tisocco, Sören Weinrich, Gary Lyons, Michael Wills, Xinmin Zhan, Paul Crosson
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(4): 50.

    ● Simplified ADM1 can predict biogas production from a full-scale biogas plant.

    ● Default parameters allowed for an accurate process simulation.

    ● Measurement variability did not affect simulated biogas and methane flow.

    ● Degradability of carbohydrates had a remarkable effect on gas yields.

    Mathematical modeling of anaerobic digestion is a powerful tool to predict gas yields and optimize the process. The Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) is a widely implemented model for this purpose. However, modeling full-scale biogas plants is challenging due to the extensive substrate and parameter characterization required. This study describes the modification of the ADM1 through a simplification of individual process phases, characteristic components and required parameters. Consequently, the ability of the simplified model to simulate the co-digestion of grass silage and cattle slurry was evaluated using data from a full-scale biogas plant. The impacts of substrate composition (crude carbohydrate, protein and lipid concentration) and variability of carbohydrate degradability on simulation results were assessed to identify the most influential parameters. Results indicated that the simplified version was able to depict biogas and biomethane production with average model efficiencies, according to the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) coefficient, of 0.70 and 0.67, respectively, and was comparable to the original ADM1 (average model efficiencies of 0.71 and 0.63, respectively). The variability of crude carbohydrate, protein and lipid concentration did not significantly impact biogas and biomethane output for the data sets explored. In contrast, carbohydrate degradability seemed to explain much more of the variability in the biogas and methane production. Thus, the application of simplified models provides a reliable basis for the process simulation and optimization of full-scale agricultural biogas plants.

    Zahra Niavarani, Daniel Breite, Muhammad Yasir, Vladimir Sedlarik, Andrea Prager, Nadja Schönherr, Bernd Abel, Roger Gläser, Agnes Schulze
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(4): 45.

    ● Urethane functionalities created on PES membranes via electron beam irradiation.

    ● Water contact angle decreased from 58° to 52°, higher hydrophilicity.

    ● 13% increase in water permeability via functionalization.

    ● 17β-estradiol adsorption enhanced by five times.

    ● Functionalized membranes reused for three cycles without a loss of adsorption capacity.

    Polyethersulphone (PES) membranes modified with urethane functional groups were prepared through an interfacial reaction using electron beam irradiation. The removal of eight endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) was studied using both pristine and functionalized PES membranes. The prepared membranes underwent characterization using several techniques, including attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, contact angle analysis, and measurements of pure water flux. Furthermore, dynamic adsorption experiments were conducted to evaluate the adsorption mechanism of the prepared membrane toward the eight EDCs. The urethane functionalized membranes were hydrophilic (52° contact angle) and maintained a high permeate flux (26000 L/h m2 bar) throughout the filtration process. Dynamic adsorption results demonstrated that the introduction of urethane functional groups on the membranes significantly enhanced the removal efficiency of 17β-estradiol, estriol, bisphenol A, estrone, ethinylestradiol, and equilin. The adsorption loading of 17β-estradiol on the functionalized PES membrane was 6.7 ± 0.7 mg/m2, exhibiting a 5-fold increase compared to the unmodified PES membrane. The membranes were successfully regenerated and reused for three adsorption cycles without experiencing any loss of adsorption capacity.

    Junge Xu, Dong Wang, Die Hu, Ziwei Zhang, Junhong Chen, Yingmu Wang, Yifeng Zhang
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2024, 18(3): 37.

    ● Magnetic Co- γ -Fe2O3/MoS2 were prepared via facile hydrothermal methods.

    ● Doping γ -Fe2O3 with cobalt greatly increased PMS activation for BPA abatement.

    ● The compounding of MoS2 significantly enhanced the stability of the catalyst.

    ● Hybrid radical-nonradical pathways acted for effective degradation of BPA.

    ● The toxicity of intermediates was lower than BPA via T.E.S.T analysis.

    Iron-based catalysts have been widely used to treat refractory organic pollutants in wastewater. In this paper, magnetic Co-γ-Fe2O3 was synthesized by a facile tartaric acid-assisted hydrothermal method, and Co-γ-Fe2O3/MoS2 nanocomposite catalyst was obtained via in situ growth of MoS2 nanosheets on Co-γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles. The nanocomposite catalysts were used to decompose bisphenol A (BPA) by activating peroxymonosulfate (PMS). It was shown that only 0.15 g/L catalyst and 0.5 mmol/L PMS degraded 10 mg/L of BPA (99.3% within 10 min) in the pH range of 3–9. PMS was activated due to redox cycling among the pairs Co(III)/Co(II), Fe(III)/Fe(II), and Mo(VI)/Mo(IV). Quenching experiments and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated that both radical and non-radical pathways were involved in BPA degradation, in which active radical sulfate radical and non-radical singlet oxygen were the main reactive oxygen species. Ten intermediates were identified by liquid chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry, and three possible BPA degradation pathways were proposed. The toxicity of several degradation intermediates was lower, and Co-γ-Fe2O3/MoS2 exhibited excellent reusability and could be magnetically recovered.