Call for papers

Issue Editors


Prof. Chao Tang,,

Peking University, China





Prof. Qionghai Dai

Tsinghua University, China



Prof. Xuegong Zhang,,

Tsinghua University, China







Background and Objectives

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most quickly advancing fields in today’s science and technology, characterized by the successful application of machine learning especially deep learning methods in many disciplines and scenarios. In the early era of bioinformatics, various machine learning methods played essential roles in solving key biological challenges. Recently, machine learning has been applied in diverse biological and biomedical areas such as protein structure prediction, gene identification, functional genomics, drug design, network inference, image recognition, and diagnosis and precision medicine, bring unprecedented innovation and advance in life science and translation. AI for Life Science” is becoming a new research paradigm that calls for more and deeper convergence between life science and AI technology.

QB is planning a special issue on the theme “AI for Life Science”. We welcome research articles, short research letters, mini-reviews, perspectives, and insights on any topics related to this theme. Both theoretical and experimental work are welcome. Algorithmic or mathematical work oriented from or inspired by AI for Life Science studies are also welcome. Especially, non-conventional or even controversial work and opinions that may not be fairly treated by other journals are encouraged in QB.


About Quantitative Biology

Quantitative Biology (Editors-in-Chief: Dr. Chao Tang and Dr. Michael Q. Zhang, Executive Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Xuegong Zhang; ) is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on significant research that uses quantitative approaches and technologies to analyze and integrate biological systems, construct and model engineered life systems, and to gain a deeper understanding of life sciences. It aims to provide a platform for not only the analysis but also the integration and construction of biological systems.


Publication and Peer-review Process

All manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board and qualified reviewers. The journal makes the decisions as rapidly as possible, and we strive to return reviewers comments to authors within 3 weeks. All accepted articles will be published online first after proofreading and formatting process. As an incentive, we offer free access and free article-processing.


Indexing Body and Partners

QB has been indexed by ESCI, BIOSIS Previews, Biological Abstracts, Google Scholar, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), EBSCO Discovery Service, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon.

According to the new policy of Clarivate, QB will receive its first impact factor in the year of 2023. The newly estimated IF is 4.06 and Citescore is 4.6.


Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Feb 28, 2023


Manuscripts Submission   


Content Available Online

Pubdate: 2022-09-30    Viewed: 356