
•Focuses on the contribution to the understanding of biological systems and the construction of engineered life systems based on quantitative approaches.
•An interdisciplinary journal that represents cross-fertilization and integration between the life sciences and mathematical, physical, engineering and information sciences.
•Bridges cultural divides and promotes the exchange of ideas between scientists in the East and the West. 

Quantitative Biology (QB) is an open-access journal published quarterly with no page charges. Contributions may include cutting-edge research, reviews, methods, software, protocol and tutorial, science news, commentaries, and perspectives. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before being considered for acceptance for publication.

Readers of Quantitative Biology include biologists and information/mathematical/physical scientists and engineers, who can take the important findings presented in Quantitative Biology to the next level of discovery and bring new insights into and across multi-disciplines.

Quantitative Biology is administered by

•Higher Education Press

•Tsinghua University

and in collaboration with

•Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

•Bioinformatics Division and Center for Synthetic and Systems Biology, BNRist, Tsinghua University

•Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University

Pubdate: 2014-06-12    Viewed: 2935