Quant. Biol. All Journals

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   General Info 

Focuses on the contribution to the understanding of biological systems and the construction of engineered life systems based on quantitative approaches.
An interdisciplinary journal that represents cross-fertilization and integration between the life sciences and mathematical, physical, engineering and information sciences.
Bridges cultural divides and promotes the exchange of ideas between scientists in the East and the West. 

Amis and Scope 

Quantitative Biology is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on the original research that uses quantitative approaches and technologies to analyze and integrate biological systems, construct and model engineered life systems, and gain deeper understanding of life sciences. It aims to provide a platform for not only analysis but also integration and construction of biological systems. It is a quarterly journal seeking to provide an inter- and multi-disciplinary forum for a broad blend of peer-reviewed academic papers in order to promote efficient communication and exchange between scientists in the East and in the West.
The content of Quantitative Biology will mainly focus on the two broad and related areas:
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,
which focuses on dealing with information technologies and computational methodologies that can efficiently and accurately manipulate –omics data and transform molecular information into biological knowledge.
Systems and Synthetic Biology,
which focuses on complex interactions in biological systems and the emergent functional properties, and on the design and construction of new biological functions and systems.
It will try to reflect the significant advances in quantitatively investigating and modeling natural as well as engineered life systems at the molecular and higher levels.
The journal particularly encourages original papers that aim at coupling novel theory with cutting-edge experiments, especially in the newly emerging and multi-disciplinary areas of research. The journal also welcomes high quality reviews and perspective articles.
Our readers include Biologists and information/mathematical/ physical scientists and engineers.
Quantitative Biology is offering FREE online access until the end of 2014.

  Editorial Policy 

All research articles are subject to strict peer review two reviewers with relevant expertise will be selected. Should a split recommendation occur between the two reviewers, a third reviewer may be selected at the Editor or the Board member's discretion. Final acceptance or rejection decision resides in the Editor-in-Chief/Associate Editors of QB. In general, the first-round review process takes up to 3‒4 weeks from the date of submission, and the Editors will make every effort to reach a decision on a manuscript within this timeline. If revisions are required for further consideration for publication, we generally allow one or two months for revisions.

  Compliance with Ethical Requirement

Quantitative Biology requests that all authors comply with appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee's ethical policies and the studies have been performed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. We ask that all authors include statements in their manuscripts declaring whether there are any conflicts of interest with their article.
These ethical statements should be clearly indicated on all articles for all 3 ethics statements and for all authors mentioned by name. These statements should be placed at the end of each article just before the Reference section.

Pubdate: 2014-06-12    Viewed: 2136