Remote preparation for single-photon state in two degrees of freedom with hyper-entangled states

Mei-Yu Wang, Fengli Yan, Ting Gao

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Front. Phys. ›› 2021, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 41501. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-021-1059-8

Remote preparation for single-photon state in two degrees of freedom with hyper-entangled states

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Remote state preparation (RSP) provides a useful way of transferring quantum information between two distant nodes based on the previously shared entanglement. In this paper, we study RSP of an arbitrary single-photon state in two degrees of freedom (DoFs). Using hyper-entanglement as a shared resource, our first goal is to remotely prepare the single-photon state in polarization and frequency DoFs and the second one is to reconstruct the single-photon state in polarization and time-bin DoFs. In the RSP process, the sender will rotate the quantum state in each DoF of the photon according to the knowledge of the state to be communicated. By performing a projective measurement on the polarization of the sender’s photon, the original single-photon state in two DoFs can be remotely reconstructed at the receiver’s quantum systems. This work demonstrates a novel capability for longdistance quantum communication.


remote state preparation / hyper-entanglement

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Mei-Yu Wang, Fengli Yan, Ting Gao. Remote preparation for single-photon state in two degrees of freedom with hyper-entangled states. Front. Phys., 2021, 16(4): 41501


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