Terahertz (THz) lies in the frequency range of 0.1-10 THz (i.e., 3.33-333 cm
-1). In recent years, because of the development of compact, reliable and highly sensing spectroscopic systems based on ultra-fast laser, the techniques of THz electromagnetic waves have been employed in many fields, including imaging [
2], deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sensing [
3], diagnosis of skin cancer [
4], the inspection of illegal drugs [
5], mainstream cigarette smoke [
6], biological materials in a liquid phase [
7], bimolecular sensing [
8], inline monitoring [
9], medicine [
10], etc. THz spectroscopy of biopolymers, such as wheat starch [
11], protein [
12], midribs of tobacco [
14], brain tissue [
15], etc., has also been reported. The absorption spectra of THz can provide rich information on the collective mode of biomolecules lying in the range of THz. In this work, THz spectroscopy is used to detect the absorption of THz wave by lignin extracted from midribs of tobacco leaves.