In applications of solar physics, the emission lines of Fe-IX (
λ = 17.1 nm), Fe-XII (
λ = 19.5 nm), Fe-XV (
λ = 28.4 nm) and He-II (
λ = 30.4 nm) can be selected as imaging of solar corona
1–9. Due to the strong absorption of most materials in an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) region, the optical system at normal incidence requires a high reflectivity multilayer mirror. In recent years, the achievements in multilayer technology has enabled the development of new instrumentation and led to a number of successful missions such as solar and heliospheric observatory/extreme ultraviolet imaging telescope (SOHO/EIT) and transition region and coronal explorer (TRACE)
1–323. In this article, some multilayer reflective mirrors were studied for He-II radiation (30.4 nm). Usually, at wavelengths longer than the Si L-absorption edge near 12.4 nm, the multilayer material combinations based on Si are widely used in the 13 – 20 nm region
10–151112131416. The Mo/Si multilayer was widely used for its high stability and fairly high reflectivity, especially under the motivation of an EUV lithograph in the integrated circuit industry. However, the reflectivity of a Mo/Si multilayer falls gradually with increasing wavelength. At a wavelength of 30.4 nm, the reflectivity is reduced to about 20%. Therefore, new high-reflectivity multilayer mirrors would have to work at that wavelength. In this paper, reflection performance of some material combinations based on Mg and Si were investigated to design a multilayer at 30.4 nm, including SiC/Mg, B
4C/Mg, Mo/Si, B
4C/Si, SiC/Si, C/Si, and Sc/Si. Based on optimization of the largest reflectivity and the narrowest width, the SiC/Mg material combination was selected to design the high reflectivity multilayer mirrors for He-II radiation. The multilayers were then prepared by using the direct current magnetron sputtering method, and the reflectivities were measured by the reflectometer at the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) in Hefei, China.