In the frame of the present work, our objective is to develop our earlier studies as presented in Refs. [
2]. In Ref. [
1], the effect of atmospheric turbulence on FSO systems in Yemen was analyzed by using an appropriate model and we found the effect of atmospheric turbulence on FSO communication in Yemen at three different intensities, namely strong, medium, and weak turbulence, for three different wavelengths, namely 780, 850, and 1550 nm. We also presented simulation results to validate our approach in Ref. [
1]. Two criteria had been used to evaluate our method, namely bit error rate (BER) and signal to noise ratio (SNR). Those results indicated that the performance of the FSO system is good despite the worst conditions in Yemen. To improve the transmission efficiency of FSO systems, the wavelength of 1550 nm must be used and the distance between transmitter and receiver must be reduced. To achieve a BER of 10
-9 during air turbulence, the distance between transmitter and receiver should be 2600 m. Thus, the FSO system may be applied in Yemen efficiently even in the case of the presence of air turbulence. While in Ref. [
2], we took Yemen as a case study. In some mountainous areas in Yemen, it is difficult to install the technique of fiber optics. FSO technique can solve this problem with same proficiency and quality provided by fiber optics. However, FSO systems are sensitive to bad weather conditions, such as fog, haze, dust, rain and turbulence. All of these conditions can attenuate light and block the light path into the atmosphere. As a result of these challenges, we have to study weather conditions in detail before installing FSO systems. This is to reduce effects of the atmosphere and ensure that the transmitted power is sufficient and loss is minimal during bad weather. Generally, the study was concentrated on the effects of haze, rain and turbulence on the FSO systems. Although much work has been done toward developing FSO and most techniques have been reported [
8], it is better to indicate more recent development in the field of FSO communication to the reader.