Thermal simulations have been carried out using Comsol Multiphysics (2D model). Parameters used in the simulation are given in Table 2. The heat conduction equation is solved for a circularly symmetric device and the semiconductor structure is simplified into three parts: a top phase layer, the active region and the bottom DBR mirror. The active region is made of InGaAlAs. It includes 8 compressively strained InGaAlAs quantum wells embedded in a lattice-matched InGaAlAs absorbing layer, and will be further described in Section 3.3. In the following simulations, the InP-based part of the VECSEL structure (i.e., top phase layer and active region) is kept unchanged for comparison purpose. The geometry used for the modeling of VECSEL chip with a top mounted heatspreader is schematically depicted in Fig. 4. The geometry used for modeling of VECSEL chip based on the downward heat sinking approach is depicted in Fig. 5. In the latter case, the host substrate consists either of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond, copper, or gold. Bulk host substrates can be assembled with the semiconductor chip via an AuIn
2 metallic layer, and the assembly procedure will be detailed in section 3.3. The VECSEL chip is placed on a temperature-regulated copper heat sink with an intermediate in foil to improve the thermal contact. All the thermal conductivities are kept constant and equal to the values at 300 K and internal interfaces are perfectly conducting. Additionally, the average thermal conductivity of DBR mirror is calculated in both radial (
κr) and longitudinal (
κz) axis. As for the boundary conditions in the longitudinal direction, the bottom part of the heatsink is kept at a constant temperature while the top surface of the structure is considered as thermally insulated (air convection is neglected). In radial direction, symmetry boundary conditions are used at the axis of rotation. Radius of VECSEL chips are set to 2 mm in the simulations, which is at least 12 times larger than the pump spot radius. In this case, thermal insulation is assumed at the edge of VECSEL chips. Pump absorption and hence heat loading is assumed to occur mainly in the active region, but also to some extent in the bottom mirror [
41]. Diode laser pumping with a Gaussian profile at 980 nm is assumed. The linear absorption coefficients in the different layers at this wavelength are given in Table 2. The fraction of pump power absorbed in the active region and converted to heat is 0.37 [
40]. The temperature rise in the active region has been calculated as a function of pump spot radius for a fixed average pump power density of 10 kW/cm