High power tunable Raman fiber laser at 1.2 µm waveband
Received date: 25 Nov 2023
Accepted date: 24 Dec 2023
Development of a high power fiber laser at special waveband, which is difficult to achieve by conventional rare-earth-doped fibers, is a significant challenge. One of the most common methods for achieving lasing at special wavelength is Raman conversion. Phosphorus-doped fiber (PDF), due to the phosphorus-related large frequency shift Raman peak at 40 THz, is a great choice for large frequency shift Raman conversion. Here, by adopting 150 m large mode area triple-clad PDF as Raman gain medium, and a novel wavelength-selective feedback mechanism to suppress the silica-related Raman emission, we build a high power cladding-pumped Raman fiber laser at 1.2 µm waveband. A Raman signal with power up to 735.8 W at 1252.7 nm is obtained. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output power ever reported for fiber lasers at 1.2 µm waveband. Moreover, by tuning the wavelength of the pump source, a tunable Raman output of more than 450 W over a wavelength range of 1240.6–1252.7 nm is demonstrated. This work proves PDF’s advantage in high power large frequency shift Raman conversion with a cladding pump scheme, thus providing a good solution for a high power laser source at special waveband.
Yang Zhang , Jiangming Xu , Junrui Liang , Jun Ye , Sicheng Li , Xiaoya Ma , Zhiyong Pan , Jinyong Leng , Pu Zhou . High power tunable Raman fiber laser at 1.2 µm waveband[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2024 , 17(1) : 1 . DOI: 10.1007/s12200-024-00105-7
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