Generation of dual and quad-optical frequency combs in the injected radiation free mode-locked frequency-shifted feedback laser
Received date: 27 Jun 2023
Accepted date: 27 Jul 2023
The results of an optoelectronic system—frequency-shifted feedback (FSF) laser experimental examination are presented. The considered FSF laser is seeded only with optical amplifier spontaneous emission (ASE) and operates in the mode-locked regime, whereby the output radiation is sequence of short pulses with a repetition rate determined by the delay time in its optical feedback circuit. In the frequency domain, the spectrum of such a pulse sequence is an optical frequency comb (OFC). These OFCs we call initial. We consider the possibility of tunable acousto-optic (AO) dual and quad-comb frequency spacing downconversion in the FSF laser seeded with ASE and operating in the mode-locked regime. The examined system applies a single frequency shifting loop with single AO tunable filter as the frequency shifter that is fed with several radio frequency signals simultaneously. The initial OFCs with frequency spacing of about 6.5 MHz may be obtained in the wide spectral range and their width, envelope shape and position in the optical spectrum may be tuned. The dual-combs are obtained with a pair of initial OFCs aroused by two various ultrasound waves in the acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). The dual-combs frequency spacing is determined by the frequency difference of the signals applied to the AOTF piezoelectric transducer and can be tuned simply. The quad-combs are obtained with three initial OFCs, forming a pair of dual-combs, appearing when three ultrasound frequencies feed the AOTF transducer. The quad-combs frequency spacing is defined by the difference between the frequency spacing of dual-combs. Quad-combs with more than 5000 spectral lines and tunable frequency spacing are observed. The successive frequency downconversion gives the possibility to reduce the OFC frequency spacing form several MHz for initial OFC to tens of kHz for quad-combs.
Sergey N. Mantsevich , Ekaterina I. Kostyleva , Andrey N. Danilin , Vladimir S. Khorkin . Generation of dual and quad-optical frequency combs in the injected radiation free mode-locked frequency-shifted feedback laser[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2023 , 16(3) : 21 . DOI: 10.1007/s12200-023-00079-y
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