Thermo-optic phase shifters based on silicon-on-insulator platform: state-of-the-art and a review
Received date: 26 Jul 2021
Accepted date: 04 Oct 2021
Published date: 15 Mar 2022
Silicon photonic platforms offer relevance to large markets in many applications, such as optical phased arrays, photonic neural networks, programmable photonic integrated circuits, and quantum computation devices. As one of the basic tuning devices, the thermo-optic phase shifter (TOPS) plays an important role in all these applications. A TOPS with the merits of easy fabrication, low power consumption, small thermal time constant, low insertion loss, small footprint, and low crosstalk, is needed to improve the performance and lower the cost of the above applications. To meet these demands, various TOPS have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated on different foundry platforms In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art of TOPS, including metal heater, doped silicon, silicide, with silicon substrate undercut for heat insulation, folded waveguide structure, and multi-pass waveguide structure. We further compare these TOPSs and propose the directions of the future developments on TOPS.
Shengping Liu , Junbo Feng , Ye Tian , Heng Zhao , Li Jin , Boling Ouyang , Jiguang Zhu , Jin Guo . Thermo-optic phase shifters based on silicon-on-insulator platform: state-of-the-art and a review[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2022 , 15(1) : 9 . DOI: 10.1007/s12200-022-00012-9
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