Optical modulation in graphene
Fig.1 Mechanisms and corresponding response time of referenced graphene-based AOMs. The modulation of complex refractive index ñ can be concluded into the modulation of the real part of refractive index (n for phase modulation) and imaginary part of refractive index (kfor amplitude modulation) |
Opto-thermal effect
Optical-induced carrier effect
Optical Kerr effect
Saturable absorption
All-optical modulation with graphene
Free-space all-optical modulation
Fig.3 (a) Illustration of the structure and modulation configuration of the graphene on silicon (GOS) AOM. The inset at the bottom illustrates the spatial dependence of the THz beam power along with the device when the modulation beam is switched on. (b) Modulation depth versus signal power of the GOS modulator. (c) Schematic of the experimental configuration used for the modulation measurements of the graphene on germanium (GOG) AOM. (d) Modulated THz signal under different modulation frequencies of the GOG modulator. (e) Experimental setup and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a graphene-cladding silicon photonic crystal cavity modulator. The probe light is a narrow-band tunable semiconductor laser with a wavelength around 1550 nm, and the control laser is a 1064 nm laser. (f) Resonance wavelength variation with the control laser power of the modulator in (e). Reproduced from Refs. [89,90,113] |
Fiber-based all-optical modulation
Fig.4 (a) Schematic illustration or microscope image of broadband all-optical modulation using a PDMS-supported-graphene/microfiber/MgF2 structure. Intensity variations of the probe signal with the input pump power when (b) the input probe power is fixed at 2.5 mW and (c) the input pump power is fixed at 512 mW. (d) Schematic illustration of the GCM. (e) Differential transmittance of the probe light as a function of the pump–probe time delay showing a response time of approximately 2.2 ps. The inset shows the dependence of the modulation depth on the pump intensity. Schematic diagram of (f) the stereo graphene–microfiber structure, where graphene was first wrapped on a rod followed by the microfiber; (g) the graphene-decorated microfiber with a pile of graphene flakes in the surrounding space and the evanescent field. Reproduced from Refs. [104,114–116] |
Fig.5 (a) Optical microscopic image of the tapered graphene-coated microfiber and schematic of the measurement setup. (b) Microscope image of graphene on the microfiber resonator and the graphene-coated region is annotated by the white curve. (c) Schematic diagram of GCM-based AOMs based on an all-fiber MZI. (d) Schematic and cross-sectional view of the polyvinyl butyral (PVB)-covered graphene on a partly-polished fiber AOM. The longitudinal cross-section shows detailed layers of the device. (e) Structural diagram of the as-grown graphene on a D-shaped fiber, and the FWM process shows two newly generated signals (ω3 and ω4). Reproduced from Refs. [84,85,92,118,119] |
On-chip all-optical modulation
Fig.6 (a) Three-dimensional schematic illustration of a graphene/silicon/silica hybrid nanophotonic waveguide. The probe light is coupled using grating couplers, and the pump light is emitted from the top of the sample. (b) Dynamic responses of the output power for the TE and TM modes of hybrid nanophotonic wires with a local pump light. (c) Schematic diagram of the graphene-on-Si3N4 all-optical device. (d) Temporal response of the output probe pulse. Inset: average temperature change. (e) Schematic illustration of the graphene–silicon heterojunction modulator with the signal coupled by grating couplers and pump light illuminating from the free space. (f) Comparative performance of GSH and pure silicon AOMs at different modulation laser powers. (g) Schematic illustration of the graphene–plasmonic slot-waveguide AOM. (h) Modulation efficiency with respect to the modulation power. Reproduced from Refs. [86,121–123] |
Fig.7 (a) Schematic of the graphene-loaded metal–insulator–metal (MIM)-waveguide (WG). Cross-sectional side view of the MIM-WG. Calculated field profile of the eigenmode of the graphene-loaded MIM-WG. The air slot width (wslot) is 30 nm, and the Au thickness (tAu) is 20 nm. The scale bar is 20 nm. (b) Left: results of the pump–probe measurement. (Red circles) All-optical switching in the bilayer-graphene-loaded MIM-WG. (Blue circles) The autocorrelation of the input pulse. The input pulse width was 210 fs. (Solid black line) The Gaussian fit of the pump–probe signal. The control and signal pulse energies were 35 and 1.3 fJ, respectively, in the input silicon-wire WG. The pump–probe signals predicted from tpulse (210 fs) and the relaxation time of the graphene carrier, t, are also shown, where two Gaussian functions (FWHM= 210 fs) and a single exponential decay function (t from 100 fs to 1 ps) are convoluted. The magenta, orange-yellow, green, and light blue lines are for t = 100 fs, 200 fs, 300 fs, 500 fs, and 1 ps, respectively. Right: control pulse energy dependence of the extinction ratio for the bilayer-graphene-loaded MIM-WG. Reproduced from Ref. [1] |
Discussion and outlook
Tab.1 Performance matrix of the state-of-the-art graphene-based AOMs |
structure | principle | Rt/MF | MD | PC/TPD | Ref. |
Gra/Ge subsrate | carrier induced Dk | 200 kHz | 94% | 400 mW | [90] |
Gra/silicon PhC | saturable absorption, carrier induced Dn | – | – | 10 kW/cm2 | [113] |
Gra/fiber | saturable absorption | 2.2 ps | 38% | 0.2 GW/cm2 | [104] |
Gra/fiber MZI | Kerr | 10 ns | 52% | 52.5 mW | [92] |
Gra/fiber knot | thermal | 294.7 μs | 13 dB | 2.6 mW | [85] |
Gra/Si3N4/SiO2 | thermal | 253 ns | 10 dB | 50 nJ | [86] |
Gra/SOI | saturable absorption | 1.65 ps | 22.7% | 1.38 pJ | [124] |
105Gra/MIM slot | saturable absorption | 0.26 ps | 3.5 dB | 35 fJ | [1] |