Basic concepts
Photonic systems
Topological phase transitions of matter
Fig.2 (a) Gyromagnetic photonic crystal used in experiments. The blue rods indicate the gyromagnetic material and 0.2T magnetic field is applied along the direction; (b) top view of actual waveguides; (c), (e) unidirectional and non-reciprocal propagation; (d) robust propagation against backscattering; (f) reciprocal transmission measured using the bulk photonic crystal and the projected dispersion including bulk and edge states; (g) non-reciprocal transmission via chiral edge states. Reproduced from Ref. [16] |
Various photonic crystal platforms
All-dielectric photonic crystals
Fig.3 (a) Schematic diagram of triangular photonic crystals; (b) projected dispersion of 2D topological photonic crystals; (c) electromagnetic field distributions () in different pseudospins; (d) schematics of the vertical domain composed of bianisotropic metacrystal; (e) band structures of two kinds of unit cells in (d); (f) dispersion relation of surface states with and directions. Reproduced from Refs. [21,37] |
Fig.4 (a) BCC unit cell of gyroid photonic crystals and corresponding Brillouin zone; (b) band structures of nodal lines with two air spheres on two gyroids; (c) schematic of metallic inclusion which includes the saddle shape, and helicoid surface states; (d) Brillouin zone of metallic inclusions and the band structures with Weyl points (rad/blue points). Reproduced from Refs. [130,131] |
Metallic photonic crystals
Fig.5 (a) Arrangement of metallic rods and put into the parallel plate waveguide with different topology characteristics, and the corresponding band structures; (b) schematic plot of the topological switch and the transmission performance with switch operation; (c) schematic of metacrystals with copper cut-wire and their band structures; (d) band structures at and planes, and the measured result with the Fourier transform. Reproduced from Refs. [22,143] |
Optical resonator lattices
Fig.6 (a) Two coupled resonators descripted by Hamiltonian with spin freedom and the 2D array of resonators; (b) edge states in different spins and the transmission in the presence of disorder perturbation; (c) experimental set-up for the measurement; (d) unit coupled resonators including four link and four site resonators, and the scanning electron microscope image (SEM) of the resonant array; (e) topological edge states that propagating around the defect in the experiment and simulation. Reproduced from Refs. [17,146] |
Coupled waveguide systems
Fig.7 (a) Schematics of the helical waveguides comprising the honeycomb lattice; (b) projected dispersion of straight waveguides () and helical waveguides (); (c) microscope image of the photonic waveguide array; (d) light propagation at different distance, means the length of distances; (e) four different bonds existed in the lattice with coupling constants and the sketch to achieve it; (f) experiment measured with chiral edge states along different paths. Reproduced from Refs. [27,31] |
Other proposals
Fig.8 (a) 2D square lattices made of DBR cavities and connected by phase elements; (b) transmission spectrum (blue line) of two cavities in (a) and the phase in two cavities (red dashed line); (c) schematic of a graphene layer combined with photonic crystals, and their absorption; (d) photonic crystals integrated with graphene. Their optical image of microscope and SEM image; (e) fundamental resonant mode of three-hole defect cavities. Reproduced from Refs. [18,153,154] |
Exciting recent advances of photonic crystals
Higher-order topological photonic crystals
Fig.9 (a) 2D lattice of photonic crystal, where d1 and d2 corresponding to the coupling expressed in distance; (b) band structures of trivial, gapless, and nontrivial situations; (c) diagram of 3D structure; (d) photograph of higher-order topological insulator surrounded by ordinary insulators; (e) eigenfrequencies of bulk, edge and corner states; (f) simulation of corner states; (g) experimental measurement of the corner states. Reproduced from Ref. [95] |
Photonic crystals with nonlinear effects
Fig.10 (a) Nonlinear SSH model, two resonators in every unit cell; (b) band structures of trivial case when the mode intensity ; (c) width of band gap changed by intensity; (d) winding number tuned by intensity; (e) time evolution of excitation probability for single-photon state in three qubits ; (f) probability for a two-photon case. Reproduced from Refs. [54,56] |